:api: get-trained-models-stats
:request: GetTrainedModelsStatsRequest
:response: GetTrainedModelsStatsResponse
=== Get Trained Models Stats API


Retrieves one or more Trained Model statistics.
The API accepts a +{request}+ object and returns a +{response}+.

==== Get Trained Models Stats request

A +{request}+ requires either a Trained Model ID, a comma-separated list of
IDs, or the special wildcard `_all` to get stats for all Trained Models.

<1> Constructing a new GET request referencing an existing Trained Model
<2> Set the paging parameters
<3> Allow empty response if no Trained Models match the provided ID patterns.
    If false, an error will be thrown if no Trained Models match the
    ID patterns.


==== Response

The returned +{response}+ contains the statistics
for the requested Trained Model.
