[[ml-sum-functions]] === Sum Functions The {xpackml} features include the following sum functions: * `sum`, `high_sum`, `low_sum` * `non_null_sum`, `high_non_null_sum`, `low_non_null_sum` The sum functions detect anomalies when the sum of a field in a bucket is anomalous. Use high-sided functions if you want to monitor unusually high totals. Use low-sided functions if want to look at drops in totals. Use `non_null_sum` functions if your data is sparse. Buckets without values will be ignored; buckets with a zero value will be analyzed. NOTE: Input data can contain pre-calculated fields that give the total count of some value. For example, transactions per minute. //// TBD: Incorporate from prelert docs?: Ensure you are familiar with our advice on Summarization of Input Data, as this is likely to provide a more appropriate method to using the sum function. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "function" : "high_sum", "fieldName" : "cs_bytes", "overFieldName" : "cs_host" } -------------------------------------------------- ////