[role="xpack"] [[security-api-oidc-authenticate]] === OpenID Connect Authenticate API Submits the response to an oAuth 2.0 authentication request for consumption from {es}. Upon successful validation, {es} will respond with an {es} internal Access Token and Refresh Token that can be subsequently used for authentication. This API endpoint basically exchanges successful OpenID Connect Authentication responses for {es} access and refresh tokens to be used for authentication. {es} exposes all the necessary OpenID Connect related functionality via the OpenID Connect APIs. These APIs are used internally by {kib} in order to provide OpenID Connect based authentication, but can also be used by other, custom web applications or other clients. See also <> and <> ==== Request `POST /_security/oidc/authenticate` ==== Request Body `redirect_uri`:: The URL to which the OpenID Connect Provider redirected the User Agent in response to an authentication request, after a successful authentication. This URL is expected to be provided as-is (URL encoded), taken from the body of the response or as the value of a `Location` header in the response from the OpenID Connect Provider. `state`:: String value used to maintain state between the authentication request and the response. This value needs to be the same as the one that was provided to the call to `/_security/oidc/prepare` earlier, or the one that was generated by {es} and included in the response to that call. `nonce`:: String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token, and to mitigate replay attacks. This value needs to be the same as the one that was provided to the call to `/_security/oidc/prepare` earlier, or the one that was generated by {es} and included in the response to that call. ==== Examples The following example request exchanges the response that was returned from the OpenID Connect Provider after a successful authentication, for an {es} access token and refresh token to be used in subsequent requests. This example is from an authentication that uses the authorization code grant flow. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- POST /_security/oidc/authenticate { "redirect_uri" : "https://oidc-kibana.elastic.co:5603/api/security/v1/oidc?code=jtI3Ntt8v3_XvcLzCFGq&state=4dbrihtIAt3wBTwo6DxK-vdk-sSyDBV8Yf0AjdkdT5I", "state" : "4dbrihtIAt3wBTwo6DxK-vdk-sSyDBV8Yf0AjdkdT5I", "nonce" : "WaBPH0KqPVdG5HHdSxPRjfoZbXMCicm5v1OiAj0DUFM" } -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE // TEST[skip:These are properly tested in the OpenIDConnectIT suite] The following example output contains the access token that was generated in response, the amount of time (in seconds) that the token expires in, the type, and the refresh token: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "access_token" : "dGhpcyBpcyBub3QgYSByZWFsIHRva2VuIGJ1dCBpdCBpcyBvbmx5IHRlc3QgZGF0YS4gZG8gbm90IHRyeSB0byByZWFkIHRva2VuIQ==", "type" : "Bearer", "expires_in" : 1200, "refresh_token": "vLBPvmAB6KvwvJZr27cS" } -------------------------------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE