// tag::docker[] On <>, log messages go to the console and are handled by the configured Docker logging driver. To access logs, run `docker logs`. // end::docker[] // tag::deb[] For <>, {es} writes logs to `/var/log/elasticsearch`. // end::deb[] // tag::rpm[] For <>, {es} writes logs to `/var/log/elasticsearch`. // end::rpm[] // tag::mac[] For <> installations, {es} writes logs to `$ES_HOME/logs`. // end::mac[] // tag::brew[] For <> installations, {es} writes logs to `/usr/local/var/log/elasticsearch`. // end::brew[] // tag::linux[] For <> installations, {es} writes logs to `$ES_HOME/logs`. // end::linux[] // tag::win-zip[] For <> installations, {es} writes logs to `%ES_HOME%\logs`. // end::win-zip[] // tag::win-msi[] For <> installations, {es} writes logs to `%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Elastic\Elasticsearch\logs`. // end::win-msi[]