[role="xpack"] [testenv="platinum"] [[sql-client-apps-dbvis]] === DbVisualizer [quote, http://www.dbvis.com/] ____ https://www.dbvis.com/[DbVisualizer] is a database management and analysis tool for all major databases. ____ IMPORTANT: Elastic does not endorse, promote or provide support for this application; for native Elasticsearch integration in this product, please reach out to its vendor. ==== Prerequisites * DbVisualizer 10.0.21 or higher * {es-sql} <> ==== Add {es} JDBC driver Add the {es} JDBC driver to DbVisualizer through *Tools* > *Driver Manager*: image:images/sql/client-apps/dbvis-1-driver-manager.png[] Select *Elasticsearch* driver name from the left sidebar and add the JDBC driver in the files panel through the buttons on the right; if there is no such driver name check the DbVisualizer version or create a new driver entry through *Driver* > *Create Driver*. image:images/sql/client-apps/dbvis-2-driver.png[] Once specified, the driver class and its version should be automatically picked up - one can force the refresh through the *Find driver in listed locations* button, the second from the bottom on the right hand side: image:images/sql/client-apps/dbvis-3-add-driver.png[] ==== Create a new connection Once the {es} driver is in place, create a new connection: image:images/sql/client-apps/dbvis-4-new-conn.png[] One can use the wizard or add the settings all at once: image:images/sql/client-apps/dbvis-5-conn-props.png[] Press *Connect* and the driver version (as that of the cluster) should show up under *Connection Message*. ==== Execute SQL queries The setup is done. DbVisualizer can be used to run queries against {es} and explore its content: image:images/sql/client-apps/dbvis-6-data.png[]