/* * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import org.elasticsearch.gradle.ConcatFilesTask import org.elasticsearch.gradle.MavenFilteringHack import org.elasticsearch.gradle.NoticeTask import org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.RunTask import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.FixCrLfFilter import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Path Collection distributions = project('archives').subprojects + project('packages').subprojects /***************************************************************************** * Third party dependencies report * *****************************************************************************/ // Concatenates the dependencies CSV files into a single file task generateDependenciesReport(type: ConcatFilesTask) { files = fileTree(dir: project.rootDir, include: '**/dependencies.csv' ) headerLine = "name,version,url,license" target = new File(System.getProperty('csv')?: "${project.buildDir}/reports/dependencies/es-dependencies.csv") } /***************************************************************************** * Notice file * *****************************************************************************/ // integ test zip only uses server, so a different notice file is needed there task buildServerNotice(type: NoticeTask) { licensesDir new File(project(':server').projectDir, 'licenses') } // other distributions include notices from modules as well, which are added below later task buildDefaultNotice(type: NoticeTask) { licensesDir new File(project(':server').projectDir, 'licenses') } // other distributions include notices from modules as well, which are added below later task buildOssNotice(type: NoticeTask) { licensesDir new File(project(':server').projectDir, 'licenses') } /***************************************************************************** * Modules * *****************************************************************************/ String ossOutputs = 'build/outputs/oss' String defaultOutputs = 'build/outputs/default' String transportOutputs = 'build/outputs/transport-only' task processOssOutputs(type: Sync) { into ossOutputs } task processDefaultOutputs(type: Sync) { into defaultOutputs from processOssOutputs } // Integ tests work over the rest http layer, so we need a transport included with the integ test zip. // All transport modules are included so that they may be randomized for testing task processTransportOutputs(type: Sync) { into transportOutputs } // these are dummy tasks that can be used to depend on the relevant sub output dir task buildOssModules { dependsOn processOssOutputs outputs.dir "${ossOutputs}/modules" } task buildOssBin { dependsOn processOssOutputs outputs.dir "${ossOutputs}/bin" } task buildOssConfig { dependsOn processOssOutputs outputs.dir "${ossOutputs}/config" } task buildDefaultModules { dependsOn processDefaultOutputs outputs.dir "${defaultOutputs}/modules" } task buildDefaultBin { dependsOn processDefaultOutputs outputs.dir "${defaultOutputs}/bin" } task buildDefaultConfig { dependsOn processDefaultOutputs outputs.dir "${defaultOutputs}/config" } task buildTransportModules { dependsOn processTransportOutputs outputs.dir "${transportOutputs}/modules" } void copyModule(Sync copyTask, Project module) { copyTask.configure { dependsOn { module.bundlePlugin } from({ zipTree(module.bundlePlugin.outputs.files.singleFile) }) { includeEmptyDirs false // these are handled separately in the log4j config tasks below exclude '*/config/log4j2.properties' exclude 'config/log4j2.properties' eachFile { details -> String name = module.plugins.hasPlugin('elasticsearch.esplugin') ? module.esplugin.name : module.es_meta_plugin.name // Copy all non config/bin files // Note these might be unde a subdirectory in the case of a meta plugin if ((details.relativePath.pathString ==~ /([^\/]+\/)?(config|bin)\/.*/) == false) { details.relativePath = details.relativePath.prepend('modules', name) } else if ((details.relativePath.pathString ==~ /([^\/]+\/)(config|bin)\/.*/)) { // this is the meta plugin case, in which we need to remove the intermediate dir String[] segments = details.relativePath.segments details.relativePath = new RelativePath(true, segments.takeRight(segments.length - 1)) } } } } } // log4j config could be contained in modules, so we must join it together using these tasks task buildOssLog4jConfig { dependsOn processOssOutputs ext.contents = [] ext.log4jFile = file("${ossOutputs}/log4j2.properties") outputs.file log4jFile } task buildDefaultLog4jConfig { dependsOn processDefaultOutputs ext.contents = [] ext.log4jFile = file("${defaultOutputs}/log4j2.properties") outputs.file log4jFile } Closure writeLog4jProperties = { String mainLog4jProperties = file('src/config/log4j2.properties').getText('UTF-8') it.log4jFile.setText(mainLog4jProperties, 'UTF-8') for (String moduleLog4jProperties : it.contents.reverse()) { it.log4jFile.append(moduleLog4jProperties, 'UTF-8') } } buildOssLog4jConfig.doLast(writeLog4jProperties) buildDefaultLog4jConfig.doLast(writeLog4jProperties) // copy log4j2.properties from modules that have it void copyLog4jProperties(Task buildTask, Project module) { buildTask.doFirst { FileTree tree = zipTree(module.bundlePlugin.outputs.files.singleFile) FileTree filtered = tree.matching { include 'config/log4j2.properties' include '*/config/log4j2.properties' // could be in a bundled plugin } if (filtered.isEmpty() == false) { buildTask.contents.add('\n\n' + filtered.singleFile.getText('UTF-8')) } } } ext.restTestExpansions = [ 'expected.modules.count': 0, ] // we create the buildOssModules task above but fill it here so we can do a single // loop over modules to also setup cross task dependencies and increment our modules counter project.rootProject.subprojects.findAll { it.parent.path == ':modules' }.each { Project module -> File licenses = new File(module.projectDir, 'licenses') if (licenses.exists()) { buildDefaultNotice.licensesDir licenses buildOssNotice.licensesDir licenses } copyModule(processOssOutputs, module) if (module.name.startsWith('transport-')) { copyModule(processTransportOutputs, module) } copyLog4jProperties(buildOssLog4jConfig, module) copyLog4jProperties(buildDefaultLog4jConfig, module) // make sure the module's integration tests run after the integ-test-zip (ie rest tests) module.afterEvaluate({ module.integTest.mustRunAfter(':distribution:archives:integ-test-zip:integTest') }) restTestExpansions['expected.modules.count'] += 1 } // use licenses from each of the bundled xpack plugins Project xpack = project(':x-pack:plugin') xpack.subprojects.findAll { it.parent == xpack }.each { Project xpackModule -> File licenses = new File(xpackModule.projectDir, 'licenses') if (licenses.exists()) { buildDefaultNotice.licensesDir licenses } copyModule(processDefaultOutputs, xpackModule) copyLog4jProperties(buildDefaultLog4jConfig, xpackModule) } // make sure we have a clean task since we aren't a java project, but we have tasks that // put stuff in the build dir task clean(type: Delete) { delete 'build' } configure(subprojects.findAll { ['archives', 'packages'].contains(it.name) }) { // TODO: the map needs to be an input of the tasks, so that when it changes, the task will re-run... /***************************************************************************** * Properties to expand when copying packaging files * *****************************************************************************/ project.ext { /***************************************************************************** * Common files in all distributions * *****************************************************************************/ libFiles = { oss -> copySpec { // delay by using closures, since they have not yet been configured, so no jar task exists yet from { project(':server').jar } from { project(':server').configurations.runtime } from { project(':libs:plugin-classloader').jar } from { project(':distribution:tools:java-version-checker').jar } from { project(':distribution:tools:launchers').jar } into('tools/plugin-cli') { from { project(':distribution:tools:plugin-cli').jar } from { project(':distribution:tools:plugin-cli').configurations.runtime } } if (oss == false) { into('tools/security-cli') { from { project(':x-pack:plugin:security:cli').jar } from { project(':x-pack:plugin:security:cli').configurations.compile } } } } } modulesFiles = { oss -> copySpec { eachFile { if (it.relativePath.segments[-2] == 'bin') { // bin files, wherever they are within modules (eg platform specific) should be executable it.mode = 0755 } else { it.mode = 0644 } } if (oss) { from project(':distribution').buildOssModules } else { from project(':distribution').buildDefaultModules } } } transportModulesFiles = copySpec { from project(':distribution').buildTransportModules } configFiles = { distributionType, oss -> copySpec { with copySpec { // main config files, processed with distribution specific substitutions from '../src/config' exclude 'log4j2.properties' // this is handled separately below MavenFilteringHack.filter(it, expansionsForDistribution(distributionType, oss)) } if (oss) { from project(':distribution').buildOssLog4jConfig from project(':distribution').buildOssConfig } else { from project(':distribution').buildDefaultLog4jConfig from project(':distribution').buildDefaultConfig } } } binFiles = { distributionType, oss -> copySpec { // non-windows files, for all distributions with copySpec { from '../src/bin' exclude '*.exe' exclude '*.bat' eachFile { it.setMode(0755) } MavenFilteringHack.filter(it, expansionsForDistribution(distributionType, oss)) } // windows files, only for zip if (distributionType == 'zip') { with copySpec { from '../src/bin' include '*.bat' filter(FixCrLfFilter, eol: FixCrLfFilter.CrLf.newInstance('crlf')) MavenFilteringHack.filter(it, expansionsForDistribution(distributionType, oss)) } with copySpec { from '../src/bin' include '*.exe' } } // module provided bin files with copySpec { eachFile { it.setMode(0755) } if (oss) { from project(':distribution').buildOssBin } else { from project(':distribution').buildDefaultBin } if (distributionType != 'zip') { exclude '*.bat' } } } } noticeFile = copySpec { if (project.name == 'integ-test-zip') { from buildServerNotice } else { from buildDefaultNotice } } } } task run(type: RunTask) { distribution = System.getProperty('run.distribution', 'zip') if (distribution == 'zip') { String licenseType = System.getProperty("run.license_type", "basic") if (licenseType == 'trial') { setting 'xpack.ml.enabled', 'true' setting 'xpack.graph.enabled', 'true' setting 'xpack.watcher.enabled', 'true' setting 'xpack.license.self_generated.type', 'trial' setupCommand 'setupTestAdmin', 'bin/elasticsearch-users', 'useradd', 'elastic-admin', '-p', 'elastic-password', '-r', 'superuser' } else if (licenseType != 'basic') { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported self-generated license type: [" + licenseType + "[basic] or [trial].") } setting 'xpack.security.enabled', 'true' setting 'xpack.monitoring.enabled', 'true' setting 'xpack.sql.enabled', 'true' setting 'xpack.rollup.enabled', 'true' keystoreSetting 'bootstrap.password', 'password' } } /** * Build some variables that are replaced in the packages. This includes both * scripts like bin/elasticsearch and bin/elasticsearch-plugin that a user might run and also * scripts like postinst which are run as part of the installation. * * <dl> * <dt>package.name</dt> * <dd>The name of the project. Its sprinkled throughout the scripts.</dd> * <dt>package.version</dt> * <dd>The version of the project. Its mostly used to find the exact jar name. * </dt> * <dt>path.conf</dt> * <dd>The default directory from which to load configuration. This is used in * the packaging scripts, but in that context it is always * /etc/elasticsearch. Its also used in bin/elasticsearch-plugin, where it is * /etc/elasticsearch for the os packages but $ESHOME/config otherwise.</dd> * <dt>path.env</dt> * <dd>The env file sourced before bin/elasticsearch to set environment * variables. Think /etc/defaults/elasticsearch.</dd> * <dt>heap.min and heap.max</dt> * <dd>Default min and max heap</dd> * <dt>scripts.footer</dt> * <dd>Footer appended to control scripts embedded in the distribution that is * (almost) entirely there for cosmetic reasons.</dd> * <dt>stopping.timeout</dt> * <dd>RPM's init script needs to wait for elasticsearch to stop before * returning from stop and it needs a maximum time to wait. This is it. One * day. DEB retries forever.</dd> * </dl> */ subprojects { ext.expansionsForDistribution = { distributionType, oss -> final String defaultHeapSize = "1g" final String packagingPathData = "path.data: /var/lib/elasticsearch" final String pathLogs = "/var/log/elasticsearch" final String packagingPathLogs = "path.logs: ${pathLogs}" final String packagingLoggc = "${pathLogs}/gc.log" String licenseText if (oss) { licenseText = rootProject.file('licenses/APACHE-LICENSE-2.0.txt').getText('UTF-8') } else { licenseText = rootProject.file('licenses/ELASTIC-LICENSE.txt').getText('UTF-8') } // license text needs to be indented with a single space licenseText = ' ' + licenseText.replace('\n', '\n ') String footer = "# Built for ${project.name}-${project.version} " + "(${distributionType})" Map<String, Object> expansions = [ 'project.name': project.name, 'project.version': version, 'path.conf': [ 'deb': '/etc/elasticsearch', 'rpm': '/etc/elasticsearch', 'def': '"$ES_HOME"/config' ], 'path.data': [ 'deb': packagingPathData, 'rpm': packagingPathData, 'def': '#path.data: /path/to/data' ], 'path.env': [ 'deb': '/etc/default/elasticsearch', 'rpm': '/etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch', /* There isn't one of these files for tar or zip but its important to make an empty string here so the script can properly skip it. */ 'def': 'if [ -z "$ES_PATH_CONF" ]; then ES_PATH_CONF="$ES_HOME"/config; done', ], 'source.path.env': [ 'deb': 'source /etc/default/elasticsearch', 'rpm': 'source /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch', 'def': 'if [ -z "$ES_PATH_CONF" ]; then ES_PATH_CONF="$ES_HOME"/config; fi', ], 'path.logs': [ 'deb': packagingPathLogs, 'rpm': packagingPathLogs, 'def': '#path.logs: /path/to/logs' ], 'loggc': [ 'deb': packagingLoggc, 'rpm': packagingLoggc, 'def': 'logs/gc.log' ], 'heap.min': defaultHeapSize, 'heap.max': defaultHeapSize, 'heap.dump.path': [ 'deb': "-XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/lib/elasticsearch", 'rpm': "-XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/lib/elasticsearch", 'def': "-XX:HeapDumpPath=data" ], 'error.file': [ 'deb': "-XX:ErrorFile=/var/log/elasticsearch/hs_err_pid%p.log", 'rpm': "-XX:ErrorFile=/var/log/elasticsearch/hs_err_pid%p.log", 'def': "-XX:ErrorFile=logs/hs_err_pid%p.log" ], 'stopping.timeout': [ 'rpm': 86400, ], 'scripts.footer': [ /* Debian needs exit 0 on these scripts so we add it here and preserve the pretty footer. */ 'deb': "exit 0\n${footer}", 'def': footer ], 'es.distribution.flavor': [ 'def': oss ? 'oss' : 'default' ], 'es.distribution.type': [ 'deb': 'deb', 'rpm': 'rpm', 'tar': 'tar', 'zip': 'zip' ], 'license.name': [ 'deb': oss ? 'ASL-2.0' : 'Elastic-License' ], 'license.text': [ 'deb': licenseText, ], ] Map<String, String> result = [:] expansions = expansions.each { key, value -> if (value instanceof Map) { // 'def' is for default but its three characters like 'rpm' and 'deb' value = value[distributionType] ?: value['def'] if (value == null) { return } } result[key] = value } return result } ext.assertLinesInFile = { Path path, List<String> expectedLines -> final List<String> actualLines = Files.readAllLines(path) int line = 0 for (final String expectedLine : expectedLines) { final String actualLine = actualLines.get(line) if (expectedLine != actualLine) { throw new GradleException("expected line [${line + 1}] in [${path}] to be [${expectedLine}] but was [${actualLine}]") } line++ } } }