[[setting-system-settings]] === Configuring system settings Where to configure systems settings depends on which package you have used to install Elasticsearch, and which operating system you are using. When using the `.zip` or `.tar.gz` packages, system settings can be configured: * temporarily with <>, or * permanently in <>. When using the RPM or Debian packages, most system settings are set in the <>. However, systems which use systemd require that system limits are specified in a <>. [[ulimit]] ==== `ulimit` On Linux systems, `ulimit` can be used to change resource limits on a temporary basis. Limits usually need to be set as `root` before switching to the user that will run Elasticsearch. For example, to set the number of open file handles (`ulimit -n`) to 65,536, you can do the following: [source,sh] -------------------------------- sudo su <1> ulimit -n 65536 <2> su elasticsearch <3> -------------------------------- <1> Become `root`. <2> Change the max number of open files. <3> Become the `elasticsearch` user in order to start Elasticsearch. The new limit is only applied during the current session. You can consult all currently applied limits with `ulimit -a`. [[limits.conf]] ==== `/etc/security/limits.conf` On Linux systems, persistent limits can be set for a particular user by editing the `/etc/security/limits.conf` file. To set the maximum number of open files for the `elasticsearch` user to 65,536, add the following line to the `limits.conf` file: [source,sh] -------------------------------- elasticsearch - nofile 65536 -------------------------------- This change will only take effect the next time the `elasticsearch` user opens a new session. [NOTE] .Ubuntu and `limits.conf` =============================== Ubuntu ignores the `limits.conf` file for processes started by `init.d`. To enable the `limits.conf` file, edit `/etc/pam.d/su` and uncomment the following line: [source,sh] -------------------------------- # session required pam_limits.so -------------------------------- =============================== [[sysconfig]] ==== Sysconfig file When using the RPM or Debian packages, system settings and environment variables can be specified in the system configuration file, which is located in: [horizontal] RPM:: `/etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch` Debian:: `/etc/default/elasticsearch` However, for systems which uses `systemd`, system limits need to be specified via <>. [[systemd]] ==== Systemd configuration When using the RPM or Debian packages on systems that use https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemd[systemd], system limits must be specified via systemd. The systemd service file (`/usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service`) contains the limits that are applied by default. To override these, add a file called `/etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d/elasticsearch.conf`) and specify any changes in that file, such as: [source,sh] --------------------------------- LimitMEMLOCK=infinity --------------------------------- [[es-java-opts]] ==== Setting JVM system properties Any Java system properties or arguments which should be passed to the JVM should be specified in the `ES_JAVA_OPTS` environment variable, for instance: [source,sh] --------------------------------- EXPORT ES_JAVA_OPTS="$ES_JAVA_OPTS -Djava.io.tmpdir=/path/to/temp/dir" ./bin/elasticsearch --------------------------------- When using the RPM or Debian packages, ES_JAVA_OPTS can be specified in the <>.