== Full text queries

The full text queries enable you to search <<analysis,analyzed text fields>> such as the 
body of an email. The query string is processed using the same analyzer that was applied to 
the field during indexing. 

The queries in this group are:

<<query-dsl-intervals-query,`intervals` query>>::
A full text query that allows fine-grained control of the ordering and
proximity of matching terms.

<<query-dsl-match-query,`match` query>>::
The standard query for performing full text queries, including fuzzy matching
and phrase or proximity queries.

<<query-dsl-match-bool-prefix-query,`match_bool_prefix` query>>::
Creates a `bool` query that matches each term as a `term` query, except for
the last term, which is matched as a `prefix` query

<<query-dsl-match-query-phrase,`match_phrase` query>>::
Like the `match` query but used for matching exact phrases or word proximity matches.
<<query-dsl-match-query-phrase-prefix,`match_phrase_prefix` query>>::
Like the `match_phrase` query, but does a wildcard search on the final word.
<<query-dsl-multi-match-query,`multi_match` query>>::
The multi-field version of the `match` query.

<<query-dsl-common-terms-query,`common` terms query>>::

    A more specialized query which gives more preference to uncommon words.

<<query-dsl-query-string-query,`query_string` query>>::
Supports the compact Lucene <<query-string-syntax,query string syntax>>,
allowing you to specify AND|OR|NOT conditions and multi-field search
within a single query string. For expert users only.

<<query-dsl-simple-query-string-query,`simple_query_string` query>>::
A simpler, more robust version of the `query_string` syntax suitable
for exposing directly to users.








