[role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[eql]] = EQL for event-based search ++++ EQL ++++ experimental::[] {eql-ref}/index.html[Event Query Language (EQL)] is a query language used for logs and other event-based data. You can use EQL in {es} to easily express relationships between events and quickly match events with shared properties. You can use EQL and query DSL together to better filter your searches. [float] [[when-to-use-eql]] === When to use EQL Consider using EQL if you: * Use {es} for threat hunting or other security use cases * Search time-series data or logs, such as network or system logs * Want an easy way to explore relationships between events [float] [[eql-toc]] === In this section * <> * <> include::requirements.asciidoc[] include::syntax.asciidoc[]