[[cat-allocation]] == cat allocation `allocation` provides a snapshot of how many shards are allocated to each data node and how much disk space they are using. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- GET /_cat/allocation?v -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE // TEST[s/^/PUT test\n{"settings": {"number_of_replicas": 0}}\n/] Might respond with: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- shards disk.indices disk.used disk.avail disk.total disk.percent host ip node 5 260b 47.3gb 53.4gb 100.7gb 46 CSUXak2 -------------------------------------------------- // TESTRESPONSE[s/260b/\\d+b/ s/\\d+(\\.\\d+)?[tmk]b?/\\d+(\\.\\d+)?[tmk]b?/ s/46/\\d+/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/CSUXak2/.+/ _cat] Here we can see that each node has been allocated a single shard and that they're all using about the same amount of space.