[[modules-memcached]] == memcached The memcached module allows to expose *elasticsearch* APIs over the memcached protocol (as closely as possible). It is provided as a plugin called `transport-memcached` and installing is explained https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-transport-memcached[here] . Another option is to download the memcached plugin and placing it under the `plugins` directory. The memcached protocol supports both the binary and the text protocol, automatically detecting the correct one to use. [float] === Mapping REST to Memcached Protocol Memcached commands are mapped to REST and handled by the same generic REST layer in elasticsearch. Here is a list of the memcached commands supported: [float] ==== GET The memcached `GET` command maps to a REST `GET`. The key used is the URI (with parameters). The main downside is the fact that the memcached `GET` does not allow body in the request (and `SET` does not allow to return a result...). For this reason, most REST APIs (like search) allow to accept the "source" as a URI parameter as well. [float] ==== SET The memcached `SET` command maps to a REST `POST`. The key used is the URI (with parameters), and the body maps to the REST body. [float] ==== DELETE The memcached `DELETE` command maps to a REST `DELETE`. The key used is the URI (with parameters). [float] ==== QUIT The memcached `QUIT` command is supported and disconnects the client. [float] === Settings The following are the settings the can be configured for memcached: [cols="<,<",options="header",] |=============================================================== |Setting |Description |`memcached.port` |A bind port range. Defaults to `11211-11311`. |=============================================================== It also uses the common <<modules-network,network settings>>. [float] === Disable memcached The memcached module can be completely disabled and not started using by setting `memcached.enabled` to `false`. By default it is enabled once it is detected as a plugin.