[[query-dsl-terms-set-query]] === Terms set query ++++ <titleabbrev>Terms set</titleabbrev> ++++ Returns documents that contain a minimum number of *exact* terms in a provided field. The `terms_set` query is the same as the <<query-dsl-terms-query, `terms` query>>, except you can define the number of matching terms required to return a document. For example: * A field, `programming_languages`, contains a list of known programming languages, such as `c++`, `java`, or `php` for job candidates. You can use the `terms_set` query to return documents that match at least two of these languages. * A field, `permissions`, contains a list of possible user permissions for an application. You can use the `terms_set` query to return documents that match a subset of these permissions. [[terms-set-query-ex-request]] ==== Example request [[terms-set-query-ex-request-index-setup]] ===== Index setup In most cases, you'll need to include a <<number, numeric>> field mapping in your index to use the `terms_set` query. This numeric field contains the number of matching terms required to return a document. To see how you can set up an index for the `terms_set` query, try the following example. . Create an index, `job-candidates`, with the following field mappings: + -- * `name`, a <<keyword, `keyword`>> field. This field contains the name of the job candidate. * `programming_languages`, a <<keyword, `keyword`>> field. This field contains programming languages known by the job candidate. * `required_matches`, a <<number, numeric>> `long` field. This field contains the number of matching terms required to return a document. [source,console] ---- PUT /job-candidates { "mappings": { "properties": { "name": { "type": "keyword" }, "programming_languages": { "type": "keyword" }, "required_matches": { "type": "long" } } } } ---- // TESTSETUP -- . Index a document with an ID of `1` and the following values: + -- * `Jane Smith` in the `name` field. * `["c++", "java"]` in the `programming_languages` field. * `2` in the `required_matches` field. Include the `?refresh` parameter so the document is immediately available for search. [source,console] ---- PUT /job-candidates/_doc/1?refresh { "name": "Jane Smith", "programming_languages": [ "c++", "java" ], "required_matches": 2 } ---- -- . Index another document with an ID of `2` and the following values: + -- * `Jason Response` in the `name` field. * `["java", "php"]` in the `programming_languages` field. * `2` in the `required_matches` field. [source,console] ---- PUT /job-candidates/_doc/2?refresh { "name": "Jason Response", "programming_languages": [ "java", "php" ], "required_matches": 2 } ---- -- You can now use the `required_matches` field value as the number of matching terms required to return a document in the `terms_set` query. [[terms-set-query-ex-request-query]] ===== Example query The following search returns documents where the `programming_languages` field contains at least two of the following terms: * `c++` * `java` * `php` The `minimum_should_match_field` is `required_matches`. This means the number of matching terms required is `2`, the value of the `required_matches` field. [source,console] ---- GET /job-candidates/_search { "query": { "terms_set": { "programming_languages": { "terms": [ "c++", "java", "php" ], "minimum_should_match_field": "required_matches" } } } } ---- [[terms-set-top-level-params]] ==== Top-level parameters for `terms_set` `<field>`:: (Required, object) Field you wish to search. [[terms-set-field-params]] ==== Parameters for `<field>` `terms`:: + -- (Required, array of strings) Array of terms you wish to find in the provided `<field>`. To return a document, a required number of terms must exactly match the field values, including whitespace and capitalization. The required number of matching terms is defined in the `minimum_should_match_field` or `minimum_should_match_script` parameter. -- `minimum_should_match_field`:: (Optional, string) <<number, Numeric>> field containing the number of matching terms required to return a document. `minimum_should_match_script`:: + -- (Optional, string) Custom script containing the number of matching terms required to return a document. For parameters and valid values, see <<modules-scripting, Scripting>>. For an example query using the `minimum_should_match_script` parameter, see <<terms-set-query-script, How to use the `minimum_should_match_script` parameter>>. -- [[terms-set-query-notes]] ==== Notes [[terms-set-query-script]] ===== How to use the `minimum_should_match_script` parameter You can use `minimum_should_match_script` to define the required number of matching terms using a script. This is useful if you need to set the number of required terms dynamically. [[terms-set-query-script-ex]] ====== Example query using `minimum_should_match_script` The following search returns documents where the `programming_languages` field contains at least two of the following terms: * `c++` * `java` * `php` The `source` parameter of this query indicates: * The required number of terms to match cannot exceed `params.num_terms`, the number of terms provided in the `terms` field. * The required number of terms to match is `2`, the value of the `required_matches` field. [source,console] ---- GET /job-candidates/_search { "query": { "terms_set": { "programming_languages": { "terms": [ "c++", "java", "php" ], "minimum_should_match_script": { "source": "Math.min(params.num_terms, doc['required_matches'].value)" }, "boost": 1.0 } } } } ----