Steps to execute the benchmark: 1. Start Elasticsearch on the target host (ideally *not* on the same machine) 2. Create an empty index with the mapping you want to benchmark 3. Build an uberjar with `gradle :client:benchmark:shadowJar` and execute it. 4. Delete the index 5. Repeat steps 2. - 4. for multiple iterations. The first iterations are intended as warmup for Elasticsearch itself. Always start the same benchmark in step 3! 4. After the benchmark: Shutdown Elasticsearch and delete the data directory Repeat all steps above for the other benchmark candidate. Example benchmark: * Download benchmark data from and decompress * Use the mapping file to create the index Example command line parameter list: ``` rest /home/your_user_name/.rally/benchmarks/data/geonames/documents.json geonames type 8647880 5000 "{ \"query\": { \"match_phrase\": { \"name\": \"Sankt Georgen\" } } }\"" ``` The parameters are in order: * Client type: Use either "rest" or "transport" * Benchmark target host IP (the host where Elasticsearch is running) * full path to the file that should be bulk indexed * name of the index * name of the (sole) type in the index * number of documents in the file * bulk size * a search request body (remember to escape double quotes). The `TransportClientBenchmark` uses `QueryBuilders.wrapperQuery()` internally which automatically adds a root key `query`, so it must not be present in the command line parameter. You should also define a few GC-related settings `-Xms4096M -Xmx4096M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails` and keep an eye on GC activity. You can also define `-XX:+PrintCompilation` to see JIT activity.