=== Term Query

The `term` query finds documents that contain the *exact* term specified
in the inverted index.  For instance:

POST _search
  "query": {
    "term" : { "user" : "Kimchy" } <1>
<1> Finds documents which contain the exact term `Kimchy` in the inverted index
    of the `user` field.

A `boost` parameter can be specified to give this `term` query a higher
relevance score than another query, for instance:

GET _search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "should": [
          "term": {
            "status": {
              "value": "urgent",
              "boost": 2.0 <1>
          "term": {
            "status": "normal" <2>

<1> The `urgent` query clause has a boost of `2.0`, meaning it is twice as important
    as the query clause for `normal`.
<2> The `normal` clause has the default neutral boost of `1.0`.

A `term` query can also match against <<range, range data types>>.

.Why doesn't the `term` query match my document?

String fields can be of type `text` (treated as full text, like the body of an
email), or `keyword` (treated as exact values, like an email address or a
zip code).  Exact values (like numbers, dates, and keywords) have
the exact value specified in the field added to the inverted index in order
to make them searchable.

However, `text` fields are `analyzed`. This means that their
values are first passed through an <<analysis,analyzer>> to produce a list of
terms, which are then added to the inverted index.

There are many ways to analyze text: the default
<<analysis-standard-analyzer,`standard` analyzer>> drops most punctuation,
breaks up text into individual words, and lower cases them.    For instance,
the `standard` analyzer would turn the string ``Quick Brown Fox!'' into the
terms [`quick`, `brown`, `fox`].

This analysis process makes it possible to search for individual words
within a big block of full text.

The `term` query looks for the *exact* term in the field's inverted index --
it doesn't know anything about the field's analyzer.  This makes it useful for
looking up values in keyword fields, or in numeric or date
fields.  When querying full text fields, use the
<<query-dsl-match-query,`match` query>> instead, which understands how the field
has been analyzed.

To demonstrate, try out the example below.  First, create an index, specifying the field mappings, and index a document:

PUT my_index
  "mappings": {
    "_doc": {
      "properties": {
        "full_text": {
          "type":  "text" <1>
        "exact_value": {
          "type":  "keyword" <2>

PUT my_index/_doc/1
  "full_text":   "Quick Foxes!", <3>
  "exact_value": "Quick Foxes!"  <4>

<1> The `full_text` field is of type `text` and will be analyzed.
<2> The `exact_value` field is of type `keyword` and will NOT be analyzed.
<3> The `full_text` inverted index will contain the terms: [`quick`, `foxes`].
<4> The `exact_value` inverted index will contain the exact term: [`Quick Foxes!`].

Now, compare the results for the `term` query and the `match` query:

GET my_index/_search
  "query": {
    "term": {
      "exact_value": "Quick Foxes!" <1>

GET my_index/_search
  "query": {
    "term": {
      "full_text": "Quick Foxes!" <2>

GET my_index/_search
  "query": {
    "term": {
      "full_text": "foxes" <3>

GET my_index/_search
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "full_text": "Quick Foxes!" <4>
// TEST[continued]

<1> This query matches because the `exact_value` field contains the exact
    term `Quick Foxes!`.
<2> This query does not match, because the `full_text` field only contains
    the terms `quick` and `foxes`. It does not contain the exact term
    `Quick Foxes!`.
<3> A `term` query for the term `foxes` matches the `full_text` field.
<4> This `match` query on the `full_text` field first analyzes the query string,
    then looks for documents containing `quick` or `foxes` or both.