[role="xpack"] [[notification-settings]] === {watcher} Settings in Elasticsearch ++++ <titleabbrev>{watcher} Settings</titleabbrev> ++++ You configure {watcher} settings to set up {watcher} and send notifications via <<email-notification-settings,email>>, <<hipchat-notification-settings,HipChat>>, <<slack-notification-settings,Slack>>, and <<pagerduty-notification-settings, PagerDuty>>. All of these settings can be added to the `elasticsearch.yml` configuration file, with the exception of the secure settings, which you add to the {es} keystore. For more information about creating and updating the {es} keystore, see <<secure-settings>>. [float] [[general-notification-settings]] ==== General Watcher Settings `xpack.watcher.enabled`:: Set to `false` to disable {watcher} on the node. `xpack.watcher.encrypt_sensitive_data`:: Set to `true` to encrypt sensitive data. If this setting is enabled, you must also specify the `xpack.watcher.encryption_key` setting. For more information, see {xpack-ref}/encrypting-data.html[Encrypting sensitive data in {watcher}]. `xpack.watcher.encryption_key` (<<secure-settings,Secure>>):: Specifies the path to a file that contains a key for encrypting sensitive data. If `xpack.watcher.encrypt_sensitive_data` is set to `true`, this setting is required. For more information, see {xpack-ref}/encrypting-data.html[Encrypting sensitive data in {watcher}]. `xpack.watcher.history.cleaner_service.enabled`:: added[6.3.0,Default changed to `true`.] + Set to `true` (default) to enable the cleaner service. If this setting is `true`, the `xpack.monitoring.enabled` setting must also be set to `true` with a local exporter enabled. The cleaner service removes previous versions of {watcher} indices (for example, `.watcher-history*`) when it determines that they are old. The duration of {watcher} indices is determined by the `xpack.monitoring.history.duration` setting, which defaults to 7 days. For more information about that setting, see <<monitoring-settings>>. `xpack.http.proxy.host`:: Specifies the address of the proxy server to use to connect to HTTP services. `xpack.http.proxy.port`:: Specifies the port number to use to connect to the proxy server. `xpack.http.default_connection_timeout`:: The maximum period to wait until abortion of the request, when a connection is being initiated. `xpack.http.default_read_timeout`:: The maximum period of inactivity between two data packets, before the request is aborted. `xpack.http.max_response_size`:: Specifies the maximum size a HTTP response is allowed to have, defaults to `10mb`, the maximum configurable value is `50mb`. [[ssl-notification-settings]] :ssl-prefix: xpack.http :component: {watcher} :verifies: :server!: include::ssl-settings.asciidoc[] [float] [[email-notification-settings]] ==== Email Notification Settings You can configure the following email notification settings in `elasticsearch.yml`. For more information about sending notifications via email, see {xpack-ref}/actions-email.html#configuring-email-actions[Configuring Email]. `xpack.notification.email.account`:: Specifies account information for sending notifications via email. You can specify the following email account attributes: [[email-account-attributes]] `profile`;; The {xpack-ref}/actions-email.html#configuring-email[email profile] to use to build the MIME messages that are sent from the account. Valid values: `standard`, `gmail` and `outlook`. Defaults to `standard`. `email_defaults.*`;; An optional set of email attributes to use as defaults for the emails sent from the account. See {xpack-ref}/actions-email.html#email-action-attributes[ Email Action Attributes] for the supported attributes. `smtp.auth`;; Set to `true` to attempt to authenticate the user using the AUTH command. Defaults to `false`. `smtp.host`;; The SMTP server to connect to. Required. `smtp.port`;; The SMTP server port to connect to. Defaults to 25. `smtp.user`;; The user name for SMTP. Required. `smtp.password`;; The password for the specified SMTP user. `smtp.starttls.enable`;; Set to `true` to enable the use of the `STARTTLS` command (if supported by the server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected connection before issuing any login commands. Note that an appropriate trust store must configured so that the client will trust the server's certificate. Defaults to `false`. `smtp.starttls.required`;; If `true`, then `STARTTLS` will be required. If that command fails, the connection will fail. Defaults to `false`. `smtp.timeout`;; The socket read timeout. Default is two minutes. `smtp.connection_timeout`;; The socket connection timeout. Default is two minutes. `smtp.write_timeout`;; The socket write timeout. Default is two minutes. `smtp.local_address`;; A configurable local address when sending emails. Not configured by default. `smtp.local_port`;; A configurable local port when sending emails. Not configured by default. `smtp.send_partial`;; Send an email, despite one of the receiver addresses being invalid. `smtp.wait_on_quit`;; If set to false the QUIT command is sent and the connection closed. If set to true, the QUIT command is sent and a reply is waited for. True by default. `xpack.notification.email.html.sanitization.allow`:: Specifies the HTML elements that are allowed in email notifications. For more information, see {xpack-ref}/actions-email.html#email-html-sanitization[Configuring HTML Sanitization Options]. You can specify individual HTML elements and the following HTML feature groups: [[html-feature-groups]] `_tables`;; All table related elements: `<table>`, `<th>`, `<tr>` and `<td>`. `_blocks`;; The following block elements: `<p>`, `<div>`, `<h1>`, `<h2>`, `<h3>`, `<h4>`, `<h5>`, `<h6>`, `<ul>`, `<ol>`, `<li>`, and `<blockquote>`. `_formatting`;; The following inline formatting elements: `<b>`, `<i>`, `<s>`, `<u>`, `<o>`, `<sup>`, `<sub>`, `<ins>`, `<del>`, `<strong>`, `<strike>`, `<tt>`, `<code>`, `<big>`, `<small>`, `<br>`, `<span>`, and `<em>`. `_links`;; The `<a>` element with an `href` attribute that points to a URL using the following protocols: `http`, `https` and `mailto`. `_styles`;; The `style` attribute on all elements. Note that CSS attributes are also sanitized to prevent XSS attacks. `img`;; `img:all`;; All images (external and embedded). `img:embedded`;; Only embedded images. Embedded images can only use the `cid:` URL protocol in their `src` attribute. `xpack.notification.email.html.sanitization.disallow`:: Specifies the HTML elements that are NOT allowed in email notifications. You can specify individual HTML elements and <<html-feature-groups, HTML feature groups>>. `xpack.notification.email.html.sanitization.enabled` :: Set to `false` to completely disable HTML sanitation. Not recommended. Defaults to `true`. [float] [[hipchat-notification-settings]] ==== HipChat Notification Settings You can configure the following HipChat notification settings in `elasticsearch.yml`. For more information about sending notifications via HipChat, see {xpack-ref}/actions-hipchat.html#configuring-hipchat-actions[Configuring HipChat]. `xpack.notification.hipchat` :: Specifies account information for sending notifications via HipChat. You can specify the following HipChat account attributes: [[hipchat-account-attributes]] `profile`;; The HipChat account profile to use: `integration`, `user`, or `v1`. Required. `auth_token`;; The authentication token to use to access the HipChat API. Required. `host`;; The HipChat server hostname. Defaults to `api.hipchat.com`. `port`;; The HipChat server port number. Defaults to 443. `room`;; The room you want to send messages to. Must be specified if the `profile` is set to `integration`. Not valid for the `user` or `vi` profiles. `user`;; The HipChat user account to use to send messages. Specified as an email address. Must be specified if the `profile` is set to `user`. Not valid for the `integration` or `v1` profiles. `message.format`;; The format of the message: `text` or `html`. Defaults to `html`. `message.color`;; The background color of the notification in the room. Defaults to `yellow`. `message.notify`;; Indicates whether people in the room should be actively notified. Defaults to `false`. [float] [[slack-notification-settings]] ==== Slack Notification Settings You can configure the following Slack notification settings in `elasticsearch.yml`. For more information about sending notifications via Slack, see {xpack-ref}/actions-slack.html#configuring-slack-actions[Configuring Slack]. `xpack.notification.slack` :: Specifies account information for sending notifications via Slack. You can specify the following Slack account attributes: [[slack-account-attributes]] `url`;; The Incoming Webhook URL to use to post messages to Slack. Required. `message_defaults.from`;; The sender name to display in the Slack message. Defaults to the watch ID. `message_defaults.to`;; The default Slack channels or groups you want to send messages to. `message_defaults.icon`;; The icon to display in the Slack messages. Overrides the incoming webhook's configured icon. Accepts a public URL to an image. `message_defaults.text`;; The default message content. `message_defaults.attachment`;; Default message attachments. Slack message attachments enable you to create more richly-formatted messages. Specified as an array as defined in the https://api.slack.com/docs/attachments[ Slack attachments documentation]. [float] [[jira-notification-settings]] ==== Jira Notification Settings You can configure the following Jira notification settings in `elasticsearch.yml`. For more information about using notifications to create issues in Jira, see {xpack-ref}/actions-jira.html#configuring-jira-actions[Configuring Jira]. `xpack.notification.jira` :: Specifies account information for using notifications to create issues in Jira. You can specify the following Jira account attributes: [[jira-account-attributes]] `url`;; The URL of the Jira Software server. Required. `user`;; The name of the user to connect to the Jira Software server. Required. `password`;; The password of the user to connect to the Jira Software server. Required. `issue_defaults`;; Default fields values for the issue created in Jira. See {xpack-ref}/actions-jira.html#jira-action-attributes[Jira Action Attributes] for more information. Optional. [float] [[pagerduty-notification-settings]] ==== PagerDuty Notification Settings You can configure the following PagerDuty notification settings in `elasticsearch.yml`. For more information about sending notifications via PagerDuty, see {xpack-ref}/actions-pagerduty.html#configuring-pagerduty-actions[Configuring PagerDuty]. [[pagerduty-account-attributes]] `xpack.notification.pagerduty`:: Specifies account information for sending notifications via PagerDuty. You can specify the following PagerDuty account attributes: `name`;; A name for the PagerDuty account associated with the API key you are using to access PagerDuty. Required. `service_api_key`;; The https://developer.pagerduty.com/documentation/rest/authentication[ PagerDuty API key] to use to access PagerDuty. Required. `event_defaults`;; Default values for {xpack-ref}/actions-pagerduty.html#pagerduty-event-trigger-incident-attributes[ PagerDuty event attributes]. Optional. `description`:: A string that contains the default description for PagerDuty events. If no default is configured, each PagerDuty action must specify a `description`. `incident_key`:: A string that contains the default incident key to use when sending PagerDuty events. `client`:: A string that specifies the default monitoring client. `client_url`:: The URL of the default monitoring client. `event_type`:: The default event type. Valid values: `trigger`,`resolve`, `acknowledge`. `attach_payload`:: Whether or not to provide the watch payload as context for the event by default. Valid values: `true`, `false`.