.idea/ .gradle/ *.iml *.ipr *.iws work/ /data/ logs/ .DS_Store build/ build-idea/ build-eclipse/ generated-resources/ target/ *-execution-hints.log docs/html/ docs/build.log npm-debug.log /tmp/ backwards/ html_docs .vagrant/ vendor/ .bundle Gemfile.lock ## eclipse ignores (use 'mvn eclipse:eclipse' to build eclipse projects) ## All files (.project, .classpath, .settings/*) should be generated through Maven which ## will correctly set the classpath based on the declared dependencies and write settings ## files to ensure common coding style across Eclipse and IDEA. .project .classpath eclipse-build */.project */.classpath */eclipse-build .settings !/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs !/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs !/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs ## netbeans ignores nb-configuration.xml nbactions.xml dependency-reduced-pom.xml github.token ## ignore attachment files .local-* */.local-*