[[search-aggregations-metrics-geobounds-aggregation]] === Geo Bounds Aggregation A metric aggregation that computes the bounding box containing all geo_point values for a field. Example: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- PUT /museums { "mappings": { "_doc": { "properties": { "location": { "type": "geo_point" } } } } } POST /museums/_doc/_bulk?refresh {"index":{"_id":1}} {"location": "52.374081,4.912350", "name": "NEMO Science Museum"} {"index":{"_id":2}} {"location": "52.369219,4.901618", "name": "Museum Het Rembrandthuis"} {"index":{"_id":3}} {"location": "52.371667,4.914722", "name": "Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum"} {"index":{"_id":4}} {"location": "51.222900,4.405200", "name": "Letterenhuis"} {"index":{"_id":5}} {"location": "48.861111,2.336389", "name": "Musée du Louvre"} {"index":{"_id":6}} {"location": "48.860000,2.327000", "name": "Musée d'Orsay"} POST /museums/_search?size=0 { "query" : { "match" : { "name" : "musée" } }, "aggs" : { "viewport" : { "geo_bounds" : { "field" : "location", <1> "wrap_longitude" : true <2> } } } } -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE <1> The `geo_bounds` aggregation specifies the field to use to obtain the bounds <2> `wrap_longitude` is an optional parameter which specifies whether the bounding box should be allowed to overlap the international date line. The default value is `true` The above aggregation demonstrates how one would compute the bounding box of the location field for all documents with a business type of shop The response for the above aggregation: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { ... "aggregations": { "viewport": { "bounds": { "top_left": { "lat": 48.86111099738628, "lon": 2.3269999679178 }, "bottom_right": { "lat": 48.85999997612089, "lon": 2.3363889567553997 } } } } } -------------------------------------------------- // TESTRESPONSE[s/\.\.\./"took": $body.took,"_shards": $body._shards,"hits":$body.hits,"timed_out":false,/]