== Merge

A shard in Elasticsearch is a Lucene index, and a Lucene index is broken down
into segments. Segments are internal storage elements in the index where the
index data is stored, and are immutable. Smaller segments are periodically
merged into larger segments to keep the index size at bay and to expunge

The merge process uses auto-throttling to balance the use of hardware
resources between merging and other activities like search.

=== Merge scheduling

The merge scheduler (ConcurrentMergeScheduler) controls the execution of merge
operations when they are needed.  Merges run in separate threads, and when the
maximum number of threads is reached, further merges will wait until a merge
thread becomes available.

The merge scheduler supports the following _dynamic_ setting:


    The maximum number of threads on a single shard that may be merging at once.
	Defaults to
    `Math.max(1, Math.min(4, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 2))`
    which works well for a good solid-state-disk (SSD).  If your index is on
    spinning platter drives instead, decrease this to 1.