[[set-processor]] === Set Processor Sets one field and associates it with the specified value. If the field already exists, its value will be replaced with the provided one. [[set-options]] .Set Options [options="header"] |====== | Name | Required | Default | Description | `field` | yes | - | The field to insert, upsert, or update. Supports <<accessing-template-fields,template snippets>>. | `value` | yes | - | The value to be set for the field. Supports <<accessing-template-fields,template snippets>>. | `override` | no | true | If processor will update fields with pre-existing non-null-valued field. When set to `false`, such fields will not be touched. include::common-options.asciidoc[] |====== [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "description" : "sets the value of count to 1" "set": { "field": "count", "value": 1 } } -------------------------------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE This processor can also be used to copy data from one field to another. For example: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- PUT _ingest/pipeline/set_os { "description": "sets the value of host.os.name from the field os", "processors": [ { "set": { "field": "host.os.name", "value": "{{os}}" } } ] } POST _ingest/pipeline/set_os/_simulate { "docs": [ { "_source": { "os": "Ubuntu" } } ] } -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE Result: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "docs" : [ { "doc" : { "_index" : "_index", "_type" : "_doc", "_id" : "_id", "_source" : { "host" : { "os" : { "name" : "Ubuntu" } }, "os" : "Ubuntu" }, "_ingest" : { "timestamp" : "2019-03-11T21:54:37.909224Z" } } } ] } -------------------------------------------------- // TESTRESPONSE[s/2019-03-11T21:54:37.909224Z/$body.docs.0.doc._ingest.timestamp/]