:api: get-settings
:request: ClusterGetSettingsRequest
:response: ClusterGetSettingsResponse

=== Cluster Get Settings API

The Cluster Get Settings API allows to get the cluster wide settings.

==== Cluster Get Settings Request

A +{request}+:


==== Optional arguments
The following arguments can optionally be provided:

<1> By default only those settings that were explicitly set are returned. Setting this to true also returns
the default settings.

<1> By default the request goes to the master of the cluster to get the latest results. If local is specified it gets
the results from whichever node the request goes to.

<1> Timeout to connect to the master node as a `TimeValue`
<2> Timeout to connect to the master node as a `String`


==== Cluster Get Settings Response

The returned +{response}+ allows to retrieve information about the
executed operation as follows:

<1> Get the persistent settings.
<2> Get the transient settings.
<3> Get the default settings (returns empty settings if `includeDefaults` was not set to `true`).
<4> Get the value as a `String` for a particular setting. The order of searching is first in `persistentSettings` then in
`transientSettings` and finally, if not found in either, in `defaultSettings`.