== Data streams overview
A data stream consists of one or more _backing indices_. Backing indices are
<>, auto-generated indices used to store a stream's
The creation of a data stream requires an associated
<>. This template acts as a blueprint for
the stream's backing indices. It contains:
* A name or wildcard (`*`) pattern for the data stream.
* The data stream's _timestamp field_. This field must be mapped as a
<> or <> field datatype and must be
included in every document indexed to the data stream.
* The mappings and settings applied to each backing index when it's created.
The same composable template can be used to create multiple data streams.
See <>.
=== Generation
Each data stream tracks its _generation_: a six-digit, zero-padded integer
that acts as a cumulative count of the data stream's backing indices. This count
includes any deleted indices for the stream. The generation is incremented
whenever a new backing index is added to the stream.
When a backing index is created, the index is named using the following
The `web_server_logs` data stream has a generation of `34`. The most recently
created backing index for this data stream is named
Because the generation increments with each new backing index, backing indices
with a higher generation contain more recent data. Backing indices with a lower
generation contain older data.
A backing index's name can change after its creation due to a
<>, <>, or
other operations.
=== Write index
When a read request is sent to a data stream, it routes the request to all its
backing indices. For example, a search request sent to a data stream would query
all its backing indices.
However, the most recently created backing index is the data stream’s only
_write index_. The data stream routes all indexing requests for new documents to
this index.
You cannot add new documents to a stream's other backing indices, even by
sending requests directly to the index. This means you cannot submit the
following requests directly to any backing index except the write index:
* An <> request with an
<> of `create`. The `op_type` parameter
defaults to `create` when adding new documents.
* A <> request using a `create` action
Because it's the only index capable of ingesting new documents, you cannot
perform operations on a write index that might hinder indexing. These
prohibited operations include:
* <>
* <>
* <>
* <>
* <>
* <>
=== Rollover
When a data stream is created, one backing index is automatically created.
Because this single index is also the most recently created backing index, it
acts as the stream's write index.
A <> creates a new backing index for a data
stream. This new backing index becomes the stream's write index, replacing
the current one, and increments the stream's generation.
In most cases, we recommend using <> to automate rollovers for data streams. This lets you
automatically roll over the current write index when it meets specified
criteria, such as a maximum age or size.
However, you can also use the <> to
manually perform a rollover. See <>.
=== Append-only
For most time-series use cases, existing data is rarely, if ever, updated.
Because of this, data streams are designed to be append-only. This means you can
send indexing requests for new documents directly to a data stream. However, you
cannot send update or deletion requests for existing documents to a data stream.
To update or delete specific documents in a data stream, submit one of the
following requests to the backing index containing the document:
* An <> request with an
<> of `index`.
These requests must include valid <> arguments.
* A <> request using the `delete`, `index`, or `update`
action. If the action type is `index`, the action must include valid
* A <> request
See <>.
TIP: If you frequently update or delete existing documents,
we recommend using an <> and
<> instead of a data stream. You can still
use <> to manage indices for the alias.