=== {ilm-cap} settings in {es}
<titleabbrev>{ilm-cap} settings</titleabbrev>

These are the settings available for configuring <<index-lifecycle-management, {ilm}>> ({ilm-init}).

==== Cluster level settings

deprecated:[7.8.0,Basic License features are always enabled] +
This deprecated setting has no effect and will be removed in Elasticsearch 8.0.

Whether ILM's history index is enabled. If enabled, ILM will record the
history of actions taken as part of ILM policies to the `ilm-history-*`
indices. Defaults to `true`.

(<<cluster-update-settings,Dynamic>>, <<time-units, time unit value>>) 
How often {ilm} checks for indices that meet policy criteria. Defaults to `10m`.

==== Index level settings
These index-level {ilm-init} settings are typically configured through index
templates. For more information, see <<ilm-gs-create-policy>>.

(<<indices-update-settings,Dynamic>>, boolean) 
Indicates whether or not the index has been rolled over. 
Automatically set to `true` when {ilm-init} completes the rollover action.
You can explicitly set it to <<skipping-rollover, skip rollover>>.
Defaults to `false`.

(<<indices-update-settings, Dynamic>>, string) 
The name of the policy to use to manage the index.

(<<indices-update-settings,Dynamic>>, long) 
If specified, this is the timestamp used to calculate the index age for its phase transitions. 
Use this setting if you create a new index that contains old data and 
want to use the original creation date to calculate the index age. 
Specified as a Unix epoch value.

(<<indices-update-settings,Dynamic>>, boolean) 
Set to `true` to parse the origination date from the index name. 
This origination date is used to calculate the index age for its phase transitions. 
The index name must match the pattern `^.*-{date_format}-\\d+`, 
where the `date_format` is `yyyy.MM.dd` and the trailing digits are optional.
An index that was rolled over would normally match the full format, 
for example `logs-2016.10.31-000002`). 
If the index name doesn't match the pattern, index creation fails.

(<<indices-update-settings,Dynamic>>, string) 
The index alias to update when the index rolls over. Specify when using a
policy that contains a rollover action. When the index rolls over, the alias is
updated to reflect that the index is no longer the write index. For more
information about rolling indices, see <<index-rollover, Rollover>>.