== ActiveModel / ActiveRecord The `elasticsearch-model` http://rubygems.org/gems/elasticsearch-model[Rubygem] provides integration with Ruby domain objects ("models"), commonly found e.g. in Ruby on Rails applications. It uses the `elasticsearch` Rubygem as the client communicating with the Elasticsearch cluster. === Features at a Glance * ActiveModel integration with adapters for ActiveRecord and Mongoid * Enumerable-based wrapper for search results * ActiveRecord::Relation-based wrapper for returning search results as records * Convenience model methods such as `search`, `mapping`, `import`, etc * Support for Kaminari and WillPaginate pagination * Extension implemented via proxy object to shield model namespace from collisions * Convenience methods for (re)creating the index, setting up mappings, indexing documents, ... === Usage Add the library to your Gemfile: [source,ruby] ------------------------------------ gem 'elasticsearch-rails' ------------------------------------ Include the extension module in your model class: [source,ruby] ------------------------------------ class Article < ActiveRecord::Base include Elasticsearch::Model end ------------------------------------ Import some data and perform a search: [source,ruby] ------------------------------------ Article.import response = Article.search 'fox dog' response.took # => 3 ------------------------------------ It is possible to either return results as model instances, or decorated documents from Elasticsearch, with the `records` and `results` methods, respectively: [source,ruby] ------------------------------------ response.records.first # Article Load (0.4ms) SELECT "articles".* FROM "articles" WHERE ... => #<Article id: 3, title: "Foo " ...> response.results.first._score # => 0.02250402 response.results.first._source.title # => "Quick brown fox" ------------------------------------ Please see the full https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-rails/tree/master/elasticsearch-model[documentation] for more information.