:api: activate-watch
:request: ActivateWatchRequest
:response: ActivateWatchResponse

=== Activate Watch API

==== Execution

A watch can be activated as follows:


==== Response

The returned +{response}+ contains the new status of the activated watch.

<1> `watchStatus` contains status of the watch

==== Asynchronous Execution

This request can be executed asynchronously:

<1> The +{request}+ to execute and the `ActionListener` to use when
the execution completes

The asynchronous method does not block and returns immediately. Once it is
completed the `ActionListener` is called back using the `onResponse` method
if the execution successfully completed or using the `onFailure` method if
it failed.

A typical listener for +{response}+ looks like:

<1> Called when the execution is successfully completed. The response is
provided as an argument
<2> Called in case of failure. The raised exception is provided as an argument