setup: - do: indices.put_template: name: test body: template: test-* settings: number_of_shards: 1 number_of_replicas: 0 --- "Get template": - do: indices.get_template: name: test - match: {test.template: "test-*"} - match: {test.settings: {index: {number_of_shards: '1', number_of_replicas: '0'}}} --- "Get all templates": - do: indices.put_template: name: test2 body: template: test2-* settings: number_of_shards: 1 - do: indices.get_template: {} - match: {test.template: "test-*"} - match: {test2.template: "test2-*"} --- "Get template with local flag": - do: indices.get_template: name: test local: true - is_true: test --- "Get template with flat settings": - do: indices.get_template: name: test flat_settings: true - match: {test.settings: {index.number_of_shards: '1', index.number_of_replicas: '0'}}