=== Index stats API
<titleabbrev>Index stats</titleabbrev>

Returns statistics for one or more indices. For data streams, the API retrieves
statistics for the stream's backing indices.

GET /twitter/_stats
// TEST[setup:twitter]

==== {api-request-title}

`GET /<target>/_stats/<index-metric>`

`GET /<target>/_stats`

`GET /_stats`

==== {api-description-title}

Use the index stats API to get high-level aggregation and statistics for one or
more data streams and indices.

By default,
the returned statistics are index-level
with `primaries` and `total` aggregations.
`primaries` are the values for only the primary shards. 
`total` are the accumulated values for both primary and replica shards.

To get shard-level statistics,
set the `level` parameter to `shards`.

When moving to another node,
the shard-level statistics for a shard are cleared.
Although the shard
is no longer part of the node,
that node retains any node-level statistics
to which the shard contributed.

==== {api-path-parms-title}

(Optional, string)
Comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and index aliases used to limit
the request. Wildcard expressions (`*`) are supported.
To target all data streams and indices in a cluster, omit this parameter or use
`_all` or `*`.


==== {api-query-parms-title}

Defaults to `open`.




(Optional, boolean)
If `true`, statistics are *not* collected from closed indices.
Defaults to `true`.





==== {api-examples-title}

===== Get statistics for multiple data streams and indices

GET /index1,index2/_stats
// TEST[s/^/PUT index1\nPUT index2\n/]

===== Get statistics for all data streams and indices in a cluster

GET /_stats
// TEST[setup:twitter]

===== Get specific statistics

The following request returns
only the `merge` and `refresh` statistics
for all indices.

GET /_stats/merge,refresh
// TEST[setup:twitter]

===== Get statistics for specific search groups

The following request returns
only search statistics
for the `group1` and `group2` search groups.

GET /_stats/search?groups=group1,group2
// TEST[setup:twitter]