[[indices-recovery]] == Indices Recovery The indices recovery API provides insight into on-going index shard recoveries. Recovery status may be reported for specific indices, or cluster-wide. For example, the following command would show recovery information for the indices "index1" and "index2". [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/index1,index2/_recovery -------------------------------------------------- To see cluster-wide recovery status simply leave out the index names. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_recovery?pretty&human -------------------------------------------------- Response: coming[1.5.0, this syntax was change to fix inconsistencies with other API] [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "index1" : { "shards" : [ { "id" : 0, "type" : "SNAPSHOT", "stage" : "INDEX", "primary" : true, "start_time" : "2014-02-24T12:15:59.716", "start_time_in_millis": 1393244159716, "total_time" : "2.9m" "total_time_in_millis" : 175576, "source" : { "repository" : "my_repository", "snapshot" : "my_snapshot", "index" : "index1" }, "target" : { "id" : "ryqJ5lO5S4-lSFbGntkEkg", "hostname" : "my.fqdn", "ip" : "", "name" : "my_es_node" }, "index" : { "size" : { "total" : "75.4mb" "total_in_bytes" : 79063092, "reused" : "0b", "reused_in_bytes" : 0, "recovered" : "65.7mb", "recovered_in_bytes" : 68891939, "percent" : "87.1%" }, "files" : { "total" : 73, "reused" : 0, "recovered" : 69, "percent" : "94.5%" }, "total_time" : "0s", "total_time_in_millis" : 0 }, "translog" : { "recovered" : 0, "total_time" : "0s", "total_time_in_millis" : 0 }, "start" : { "check_index_time" : "0s", "check_index_time_in_millis" : 0, "total_time" : "0s", "total_time_in_millis" : 0 } } ] } } -------------------------------------------------- The above response shows a single index recovering a single shard. In this case, the source of the recovery is a snapshot repository and the target of the recovery is the node with name "my_es_node". Additionally, the output shows the number and percent of files recovered, as well as the number and percent of bytes recovered. In some cases a higher level of detail may be preferable. Setting "detailed=true" will present a list of physical files in recovery. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_recovery?pretty&human&detailed=true -------------------------------------------------- coming[1.5.0, this syntax was change to fix inconsistencies with other API] Response: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "index1" : { "shards" : [ { "id" : 0, "type" : "GATEWAY", "stage" : "DONE", "primary" : true, "start_time" : "2014-02-24T12:38:06.349", "start_time_in_millis" : "1393245486349", "stop_time" : "2014-02-24T12:38:08.464", "stop_time_in_millis" : "1393245488464", "total_time" : "2.1s", "total_time_in_millis" : 2115, "source" : { "id" : "RGMdRc-yQWWKIBM4DGvwqQ", "hostname" : "my.fqdn", "ip" : "", "name" : "my_es_node" }, "target" : { "id" : "RGMdRc-yQWWKIBM4DGvwqQ", "hostname" : "my.fqdn", "ip" : "", "name" : "my_es_node" }, "index" : { "size" : { "total" : "24.7mb", "total_in_bytes" : 26001617, "reused" : "24.7mb", "reused_in_bytes" : 26001617, "recovered" : "0b", "recovered_in_bytes" : 0, "percent" : "100.0%" }, "files" : { "total" : 26, "reused" : 26, "recovered" : 0, "percent" : "100.0%", "details" : [ { "name" : "segments.gen", "length" : 20, "recovered" : 20 }, { "name" : "_0.cfs", "length" : 135306, "recovered" : 135306 }, { "name" : "segments_2", "length" : 251, "recovered" : 251 }, ... ] }, "total_time" : "2ms", "total_time_in_millis" : 2 }, "translog" : { "recovered" : 71, "total_time" : "2.0s", "total_time_in_millis" : 2025 }, "start" : { "check_index_time" : 0, "total_time" : "88ms", "total_time_in_millis" : 88 } } ] } } -------------------------------------------------- This response shows a detailed listing (truncated for brevity) of the actual files recovered and their sizes. Also shown are the timings in milliseconds of the various stages of recovery: index retrieval, translog replay, and index start time. Note that the above listing indicates that the recovery is in stage "done". All recoveries, whether on-going or complete, are kept in cluster state and may be reported on at any time. Setting "active_only=true" will cause only on-going recoveries to be reported. Here is a complete list of options: [horizontal] `detailed`:: Display a detailed view. This is primarily useful for viewing the recovery of physical index files. Default: false. `active_only`:: Display only those recoveries that are currently on-going. Default: false. Description of output fields: [horizontal] `id`:: Shard ID `type`:: Recovery type: * gateway * snapshot * replica * relocating `stage`:: Recovery stage: * init: Recovery has not started * index: Reading index meta-data and copying bytes from source to destination * start: Starting the engine; opening the index for use * translog: Replaying transaction log * finalize: Cleanup * done: Complete `primary`:: True if shard is primary, false otherwise `start_time`:: Timestamp of recovery start `stop_time`:: Timestamp of recovery finish `total_time_in_millis`:: Total time to recover shard in milliseconds `source`:: Recovery source: * repository description if recovery is from a snapshot * description of source node otherwise `target`:: Destination node `index`:: Statistics about physical index recovery `translog`:: Statistics about translog recovery `start`:: Statistics about time to open and start the index