[role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[eql-function-ref]] == EQL function reference ++++ Function reference ++++ beta::[] {es} supports the following <>. Most EQL functions are case-sensitive by default. [discrete] [[eql-fn-add]] === `add` Returns the sum of two provided addends. *Example* [source,eql] ---- add(4, 5) // returns 9 add(4, 0.5) // returns 4.5 add(0.5, 0.25) // returns 0.75 add(4, -2) // returns 2 add(-2, -2) // returns -4 // process.args_count = 4 add(process.args_count, 5) // returns 9 add(process.args_count, 0.5) // returns 4.5 // process.parent.args_count = 2 add(process.args_count, process.parent.args_count) // returns 6 // null handling add(null, 4) // returns null add(4. null) // returns null add(null, process.args_count) // returns null add(process.args_count null) // returns null ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- add(, ) ---- *Parameters:* ``:: (Required, integer or float or `null`) Addend to add. If `null`, the function returns `null`. + Two addends are required. No more than two addends can be provided. + If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only <> field data types. *Returns:* integer, float, or `null` [discrete] [[eql-fn-between]] === `between` Extracts a substring that's between a provided `left` and `right` text in a source string. Matching is case-sensitive. *Example* [source,eql] ---- // file.path = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe" between(file.path, "system32\\\\", ".exe") // returns "cmd" between(file.path, "workspace\\\\", ".exe") // returns "" // Greedy matching defaults to false. between(file.path, "\\\\", "\\\\", false) // returns "Windows" // Sets greedy matching to true between(file.path, "\\\\", "\\\\", true) // returns "Windows\\System32" // empty source string between("", "system32\\\\", ".exe") // returns "" between("", "", "") // returns "" // null handling between(null, "system32\\\\", ".exe") // returns null ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- between(, , [, ]) ---- *Parameters* ``:: + -- (Required, string or `null`) Source string. Empty strings return an empty string (`""`), regardless of the `` or `` parameters. If `null`, the function returns `null`. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the following field data types: * A type in the <> family * <> field with a <> sub-field -- ``:: + -- (Required, string) Text to the left of the substring to extract. This text should include whitespace. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the following field data types: * A type in the <> family * <> field with a <> sub-field -- ``:: + -- (Required, string) Text to the right of the substring to extract. This text should include whitespace. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the following field data types: * A type in the <> family * <> field with a <> sub-field -- ``:: (Optional, Boolean) If `true`, match the longest possible substring, similar to `.*` in regular expressions. If `false`, match the shortest possible substring, similar to `.*?` in regular expressions. Defaults to `false`. *Returns:* string or `null` [discrete] [[eql-fn-cidrmatch]] === `cidrMatch` Returns `true` if an IP address is contained in one or more provided {wikipedia}/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing[CIDR] blocks. *Example* [source,eql] ---- // source.address = "" cidrMatch(source.address, "") // returns true cidrMatch(source.address, "", "") // returns true cidrMatch(source.address, "") // returns false cidrMatch(source.address, "", "") // returns false // null handling cidrMatch(null, "") // returns null cidrMatch(source.address, null) // returns null ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- `cidrMatch(, [, ...])` ---- *Parameters* ``:: (Required, string or `null`) IP address. Supports {wikipedia}/IPv4[IPv4] and {wikipedia}/IPv6[IPv6] addresses. If `null`, the function returns `null`. + If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the <> field data type. ``:: (Required{multi-arg}, string or `null`) CIDR block you wish to search. If `null`, the function returns `null`. *Returns:* boolean or `null` [discrete] [[eql-fn-concat]] === `concat` Returns a concatenated string of provided values. *Example* [source,eql] ---- concat("process is ", "regsvr32.exe") // returns "process is regsvr32.exe" concat("regsvr32.exe", " ", 42) // returns "regsvr32.exe 42" concat("regsvr32.exe", " ", 42.5) // returns "regsvr32.exe 42.5" concat("regsvr32.exe", " ", true) // returns "regsvr32.exe true" concat("regsvr32.exe") // returns "regsvr32.exe" // process.name = "regsvr32.exe" concat(process.name, " ", 42) // returns "regsvr32.exe 42" concat(process.name, " ", 42.5) // returns "regsvr32.exe 42.5" concat("process is ", process.name) // returns "process is regsvr32.exe" concat(process.name, " ", true) // returns "regsvr32.exe true" concat(process.name) // returns "regsvr32.exe" // process.arg_count = 4 concat(process.name, " ", process.arg_count) // returns "regsvr32.exe 4" // null handling concat(null, "regsvr32.exe") // returns null concat(process.name, null) // returns null concat(null) // returns null ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- concat([, ]) ---- *Parameters* ``:: (Required{multi-arg-ref}) Value to concatenate. If any of the arguments are `null`, the function returns `null`. + If using a field as the argument, this parameter does not support the <> field data type. *Returns:* string or `null` [discrete] [[eql-fn-divide]] === `divide` Returns the quotient of a provided dividend and divisor. [[eql-divide-fn-float-rounding]] [WARNING] ==== If both the dividend and divisor are integers, the `divide` function _rounds down_ any returned floating point numbers to the nearest integer. To avoid rounding, convert either the dividend or divisor to a float. [%collapsible] .**Example** ===== The `process.args_count` field is a <> integer field containing a count of process arguments. A user might expect the following EQL query to only match events with a `process.args_count` value of `4`. [source,eql] ---- process where divide(4, process.args_count) == 1 ---- However, the EQL query matches events with a `process.args_count` value of `3` or `4`. For events with a `process.args_count` value of `3`, the `divide` function returns a floating point number of `1.333...`, which is rounded down to `1`. To match only events with a `process.args_count` value of `4`, convert either the dividend or divisor to a float. The following EQL query changes the integer `4` to the equivalent float `4.0`. [source,eql] ---- process where divide(4.0, process.args_count) == 1 ---- ===== ==== *Example* [source,eql] ---- divide(4, 2) // returns 2 divide(4, 3) // returns 1 divide(4, 3.0) // returns 1.333... divide(4, 0.5) // returns 8 divide(0.5, 4) // returns 0.125 divide(0.5, 0.25) // returns 2.0 divide(4, -2) // returns -2 divide(-4, -2) // returns 2 // process.args_count = 4 divide(process.args_count, 2) // returns 2 divide(process.args_count, 3) // returns 1 divide(process.args_count, 3.0) // returns 1.333... divide(12, process.args_count) // returns 3 divide(process.args_count, 0.5) // returns 8 divide(0.5, process.args_count) // returns 0.125 // process.parent.args_count = 2 divide(process.args_count, process.parent.args_count) // returns 2 // null handling divide(null, 4) // returns null divide(4, null) // returns null divide(null, process.args_count) // returns null divide(process.args_count, null) // returns null ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- divide(, ) ---- *Parameters* ``:: (Required, integer or float or `null`) Dividend to divide. If `null`, the function returns `null`. + If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only <> field data types. ``:: (Required, integer or float or `null`) Divisor to divide by. If `null`, the function returns `null`. This value cannot be zero (`0`). + If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only <> field data types. *Returns:* integer, float, or null [discrete] [[eql-fn-endswith]] === `endsWith` Returns `true` if a source string ends with a provided substring. Matching is case-sensitive. *Example* [source,eql] ---- endsWith("regsvr32.exe", ".exe") // returns true endsWith("regsvr32.exe", ".dll") // returns false endsWith("", "") // returns true // file.name = "regsvr32.exe" endsWith(file.name, ".exe") // returns true endsWith(file.name, ".dll") // returns false // file.extension = ".exe" endsWith("regsvr32.exe", file.extension) // returns true endsWith("ntdll.dll", file.name) // returns false // null handling endsWith("regsvr32.exe", null) // returns null endsWith("", null) // returns null endsWith(null, ".exe") // returns null endsWith(null, null) // returns null ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- endsWith(, ) ---- *Parameters* ``:: + -- (Required, string or `null`) Source string. If `null`, the function returns `null`. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the following field data types: * A type in the <> family * <> field with a <> sub-field -- ``:: + -- (Required, string or `null`) Substring to search for. If `null`, the function returns `null`. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the following field data types: * A type in the <> family * <> field with a <> sub-field -- *Returns:* boolean or `null` [discrete] [[eql-fn-indexof]] === `indexOf` Returns the first position of a provided substring in a source string. Matching is case-sensitive. If an optional start position is provided, this function returns the first occurrence of the substring at or after the start position. *Example* [source,eql] ---- // url.domain = "subdomain.example.com" indexOf(url.domain, ".") // returns 9 indexOf(url.domain, ".", 9) // returns 9 indexOf(url.domain, ".", 10) // returns 17 indexOf(url.domain, ".", -6) // returns 9 // empty strings indexOf("", "") // returns 0 indexOf(url.domain, "") // returns 0 indexOf(url.domain, "", 9) // returns 9 indexOf(url.domain, "", 10) // returns 10 indexOf(url.domain, "", -6) // returns 0 // missing substrings indexOf(url.domain, "z") // returns null indexOf(url.domain, "z", 9) // returns null // start position is higher than string length indexOf(url.domain, ".", 30) // returns null // null handling indexOf(null, ".", 9) // returns null indexOf(url.domain, null, 9) // returns null indexOf(url.domain, ".", null) // returns null ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- indexOf(, [, ]) ---- *Parameters* ``:: + -- (Required, string or `null`) Source string. If `null`, the function returns `null`. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the following field data types: * A type in the <> family * <> field with a <> sub-field -- ``:: + -- (Required, string or `null`) Substring to search for. If this argument is `null` or the `` string does not contain this substring, the function returns `null`. If the `` is positive, empty strings (`""`) return the ``. Otherwise, empty strings return `0`. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the following field data types: * A type in the <> family * <> field with a <> sub-field -- ``:: + -- (Optional, integer or `null`) Starting position for matching. The function will not return positions before this one. Defaults to `0`. Positions are zero-indexed. Negative offsets are treated as `0`. If this argument is `null` or higher than the length of the `` string, the function returns `null`. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the following <> field data types: * `long` * `integer` * `short` * `byte` -- *Returns:* integer or `null` [discrete] [[eql-fn-length]] === `length` Returns the character length of a provided string, including whitespace and punctuation. *Example* [source,eql] ---- length("explorer.exe") // returns 12 length("start explorer.exe") // returns 18 length("") // returns 0 length(null) // returns null // process.name = "regsvr32.exe" length(process.name) // returns 12 ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- length() ---- *Parameters* ``:: + -- (Required, string or `null`) String for which to return the character length. If `null`, the function returns `null`. Empty strings return `0`. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the following field data types: * A type in the <> family * <> field with a <> sub-field -- *Returns:* integer or `null` [discrete] [[eql-fn-modulo]] === `modulo` Returns the remainder of the division of a provided dividend and divisor. *Example* [source,eql] ---- modulo(10, 6) // returns 4 modulo(10, 5) // returns 0 modulo(10, 0.5) // returns 0 modulo(10, -6) // returns 4 modulo(-10, -6) // returns -4 // process.args_count = 10 modulo(process.args_count, 6) // returns 4 modulo(process.args_count, 5) // returns 0 modulo(106, process.args_count) // returns 6 modulo(process.args_count, -6) // returns 4 modulo(process.args_count, 0.5) // returns 0 // process.parent.args_count = 6 add(process.args_count, process.parent.args_count) // returns 4 // null handling modulo(null, 5) // returns null modulo(7, null) // returns null modulo(null, process.args_count) // returns null modulo(process.args_count, null) // returns null ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- modulo(, ) ---- *Parameters* ``:: (Required, integer or float or `null`) Dividend to divide. If `null`, the function returns `null`. Floating point numbers return `0`. + If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only <> field data types. ``:: (Required, integer or float or `null`) Divisor to divide by. If `null`, the function returns `null`. Floating point numbers return `0`. This value cannot be zero (`0`). + If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only <> field data types. *Returns:* integer, float, or `null` [discrete] [[eql-fn-multiply]] === `multiply` Returns the product of two provided factors. *Example* [source,eql] ---- multiply(2, 2) // returns 4 multiply(0.5, 2) // returns 1 multiply(0.25, 2) // returns 0.5 multiply(-2, 2) // returns -4 multiply(-2, -2) // returns 4 // process.args_count = 2 multiply(process.args_count, 2) // returns 4 multiply(0.5, process.args_count) // returns 1 multiply(0.25, process.args_count) // returns 0.5 // process.parent.args_count = 3 multiply(process.args_count, process.parent.args_count) // returns 6 // null handling multiply(null, 2) // returns null multiply(2, null) // returns null ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- multiply() ---- *Parameters* ``:: + -- (Required, integer or float or `null`) Factor to multiply. If `null`, the function returns `null`. Two factors are required. No more than two factors can be provided. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only <> field data types. -- *Returns:* integer, float, or `null` [discrete] [[eql-fn-number]] === `number` Converts a string to the corresponding integer or float. *Example* [source,eql] ---- number("1337") // returns 1337 number("42.5") // returns 42.5 number("deadbeef", 16) // returns 3735928559 // integer literals beginning with "0x" are auto-detected as hexadecimal number("0xdeadbeef") // returns 3735928559 number("0xdeadbeef", 16) // returns 3735928559 // "+" and "-" are supported number("+1337") // returns 1337 number("-1337") // returns -1337 // surrounding whitespace is ignored number(" 1337 ") // returns 1337 // process.pid = "1337" number(process.pid) // returns 1337 // null handling number(null) // returns null number(null, 16) // returns null // strings beginning with "0x" are treated as hexadecimal (base 16), // even if the is explicitly null. number("0xdeadbeef", null) // returns 3735928559 // otherwise, strings are treated as decimal (base 10) // if the is explicitly null. number("1337", null) // returns 1337 ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- number([, ]) ---- *Parameters* ``:: + -- (Required, string or `null`) String to convert to an integer or float. If this value is a string, it must be one of the following: * A string representation of an integer (e.g., `"42"`) * A string representation of a float (e.g., `"9.5"`) * If the `` parameter is specified, a string containing an integer literal in the base notation (e.g., `"0xDECAFBAD"` in hexadecimal or base `16`) Strings that begin with `0x` are auto-detected as hexadecimal and use a default `` of `16`. `-` and `+` are supported with no space between. Surrounding whitespace is ignored. Empty strings (`""`) are not supported. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the following field data types: * A type in the <> family * <> field with a <> sub-field If this argument is `null`, the function returns `null`. -- ``:: + -- (Optional, integer or `null`) Radix or base used to convert the string. If the `` begins with `0x`, this parameter defaults to `16` (hexadecimal). Otherwise, it defaults to base `10`. If this argument is explicitly `null`, the default value is used. Fields are not supported as arguments. -- *Returns:* integer or float or `null` [discrete] [[eql-fn-startswith]] === `startsWith` Returns `true` if a source string begins with a provided substring. Matching is case-sensitive. *Example* [source,eql] ---- startsWith("regsvr32.exe", "regsvr32") // returns true startsWith("regsvr32.exe", "explorer") // returns false startsWith("", "") // returns true // process.name = "regsvr32.exe" startsWith(process.name, "regsvr32") // returns true startsWith(process.name, "explorer") // returns false // process.name = "regsvr32" startsWith("regsvr32.exe", process.name) // returns true startsWith("explorer.exe", process.name) // returns false // null handling startsWith("regsvr32.exe", null) // returns null startsWith("", null) // returns null startsWith(null, "regsvr32") // returns null startsWith(null, null) // returns null ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- startsWith(, ) ---- *Parameters* ``:: + -- (Required, string or `null`) Source string. If `null`, the function returns `null`. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the following field data types: * A type in the <> family * <> field with a <> sub-field -- ``:: + -- (Required, string or `null`) Substring to search for. If `null`, the function returns `null`. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the following field data types: * A type in the <> family * <> field with a <> sub-field -- *Returns:* boolean or `null` [discrete] [[eql-fn-string]] === `string` Converts a value to a string. *Example* [source,eql] ---- string(42) // returns "42" string(42.5) // returns "42.5" string("regsvr32.exe") // returns "regsvr32.exe" string(true) // returns "true" // null handling string(null) // returns null ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- string() ---- *Parameters* ``:: (Required) Value to convert to a string. If `null`, the function returns `null`. + If using a field as the argument, this parameter does not support the <> field data type. *Returns:* string or `null` [discrete] [[eql-fn-stringcontains]] === `stringContains` Returns `true` if a source string contains a provided substring. Matching is case-sensitive. *Example* [source,eql] ---- // process.command_line = "start regsvr32.exe" stringContains(process.command_line, "regsvr32") // returns true stringContains(process.command_line, "start ") // returns true stringContains(process.command_line, "explorer") // returns false // process.name = "regsvr32.exe" stringContains(command_line, process.name) // returns true // empty strings stringContains("", "") // returns false stringContains(process.command_line, "") // returns false // null handling stringContains(null, "regsvr32") // returns null stringContains(process.command_line, null) // returns null ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- stringContains(, ) ---- *Parameters* ``:: (Required, string or `null`) Source string to search. If `null`, the function returns `null`. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the following field data types: * A type in the <> family * <> field with a <> sub-field ``:: (Required, string or `null`) Substring to search for. If `null`, the function returns `null`. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the following field data types: * A type in the <> family * <> field with a <> sub-field *Returns:* boolean or `null` [discrete] [[eql-fn-substring]] === `substring` Extracts a substring from a source string at provided start and end positions. If no end position is provided, the function extracts the remaining string. *Example* [source,eql] ---- substring("start regsvr32.exe", 6) // returns "regsvr32.exe" substring("start regsvr32.exe", 0, 5) // returns "start" substring("start regsvr32.exe", 6, 14) // returns "regsvr32" substring("start regsvr32.exe", -4) // returns ".exe" substring("start regsvr32.exe", -4, -1) // returns ".ex" ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- substring(, [, ]) ---- *Parameters* ``:: (Required, string) Source string. ``:: + -- (Required, integer) Starting position for extraction. If this position is higher than the `` position or the length of the `` string, the function returns an empty string. Positions are zero-indexed. Negative offsets are supported. -- ``:: (Optional, integer) Exclusive end position for extraction. If this position is not provided, the function returns the remaining string. + Positions are zero-indexed. Negative offsets are supported. *Returns:* string [discrete] [[eql-fn-subtract]] === `subtract` Returns the difference between a provided minuend and subtrahend. *Example* [source,eql] ---- subtract(10, 2) // returns 8 subtract(10.5, 0.5) // returns 10 subtract(1, 0.2) // returns 0.8 subtract(-2, 4) // returns -8 subtract(-2, -4) // returns 8 // process.args_count = 10 subtract(process.args_count, 6) // returns 4 subtract(process.args_count, 5) // returns 5 subtract(15, process.args_count) // returns 5 subtract(process.args_count, 0.5) // returns 9.5 // process.parent.args_count = 6 subtract(process.args_count, process.parent.args_count) // returns 4 // null handling subtract(null, 2) // returns null subtract(2, null) // returns null ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- subtract(, ) ---- *Parameters* ``:: (Required, integer or float or `null`) Minuend to subtract from. + If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only <> field data types. ``:: (Optional, integer or float or `null`) Subtrahend to subtract. If `null`, the function returns `null`. + If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only <> field data types. *Returns:* integer, float, or `null` [discrete] [[eql-fn-wildcard]] === `wildcard` Returns `true` if a source string matches one or more provided wildcard expressions. Matching is case-sensitive. *Example* [source,eql] ---- // process.name = "regsvr32.exe" wildcard(process.name, "*regsvr32*") // returns true wildcard(process.name, "*regsvr32*", "*explorer*") // returns true wildcard(process.name, "*explorer*") // returns false wildcard(process.name, "*explorer*", "*scrobj*") // returns false // empty strings wildcard("", "*start*") // returns false wildcard("", "*") // returns true wildcard("", "") // returns true // null handling wildcard(null, "*regsvr32*") // returns null wildcard(process.name, null) // returns null ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- wildcard(, [, ...]) ---- *Parameters* ``:: + -- (Required, string) Source string. If `null`, the function returns `null`. If using a field as the argument, this parameter supports only the following field data types: * A type in the <> family * <> field with a <> sub-field -- ``:: + -- (Required{multi-arg-ref}, string) Wildcard expression used to match the source string. If `null`, the function returns `null`. Fields are not supported as arguments. -- *Returns:* boolean