[[searchable-snapshots]] == {search-snaps-cap} beta::[] {search-snaps-cap} let you reduce your operating costs by using <> for resiliency rather than maintaining <> within a cluster. When you mount an index from a snapshot as a {search-snap}, {es} copies the index shards to local storage within the cluster. This ensures that search performance is comparable to searching any other index, and minimizes the need to access the snapshot repository. Should a node fail, shards of a {search-snap} index are automatically recovered from the snapshot repository. This can result in significant cost savings for less frequently searched data. With {search-snaps}, you no longer need an extra index shard copy to avoid data loss, potentially halving the node local storage capacity necessary for searching that data. Because {search-snaps} rely on the same snapshot mechanism you use for backups, they have a minimal impact on your snapshot repository storage costs. [discrete] [[using-searchable-snapshots]] === Using {search-snaps} Searching a {search-snap} index is the same as searching any other index. Search performance is comparable to regular indices because the shard data is copied onto nodes in the cluster when the {search-snap} is mounted. By default, {search-snap} indices have no replicas. The underlying snapshot provides resilience and the query volume is expected to be low enough that a single shard copy will be sufficient. However, if you need to support a higher query volume, you can add replicas by adjusting the `index.number_of_replicas` index setting. If a node fails and {search-snap} shards need to be restored from the snapshot, there is a brief window of time while {es} allocates the shards to other nodes where the cluster health will not be `green`. Searches that hit these shards will fail or return partial results until they are reallocated. You typically manage {search-snaps} through {ilm-init}. The <> action automatically converts an index to a {search-snap} when it reaches the `cold` phase. You can also make indices in existing snapshots searchable by manually mounting them as {search-snaps} with the <> API. To mount an index from a snapshot that contains multiple indices, we recommend creating a <> of the snapshot that contains only the index you want to search, and mounting the clone. You cannot delete a snapshot if it has any mounted indices, so creating a clone enables you to manage the lifecycle of the backup snapshot independently of any {search-snaps}. You can control the allocation of the shards of {search-snap} indices using the same mechanisms as for regular indices. For example, you could use <> to restrict {search-snap} shards to a subset of your nodes. We recommend that you <> indices to a single segment per shard before taking a snapshot that will be mounted as a {search-snap} index. Each read from a snapshot repository takes time and costs money, and the fewer segments there are the fewer reads are needed to restore the snapshot. [TIP] ==== {search-snaps-cap} are ideal for managing a large archive of historical data. Historical information is typically searched less frequently than recent data and therefore may not need replicas for their performance benefits. For more complex or time-consuming searches, you can use <> with {search-snaps}. ==== [discrete] [[how-searchable-snapshots-work]] === How {search-snaps} work When an index is mounted from a snapshot, {es} allocates its shards to data nodes within the cluster. The data nodes then automatically restore the shard data from the repository onto local storage. Once the restore process completes, these shards respond to searches using the data held in local storage and do not need to access the repository. This avoids incurring the cost or performance penalty associated with reading data from the repository. If a node holding one of these shards fails, {es} automatically allocates it to another node, and that node restores the shard data from the repository. No replicas are needed, and no complicated monitoring or orchestration is necessary to restore lost shards. {es} restores {search-snap} shards in the background and you can search them even if they have not been fully restored. If a search hits a {search-snap} shard before it has been fully restored, {es} eagerly retrieves the data needed for the search. If a shard is freshly allocated to a node and still warming up, some searches will be slower. However, searches typically access a very small fraction of the total shard data so the performance penalty is typically small. Replicas of {search-snaps} shards are restored by copying data from the snapshot repository. In contrast, replicas of regular indices are restored by copying data from the primary.