[[slm-api-put-policy]] === Put snapshot lifecycle policy API ++++ Put policy ++++ Creates or updates a snapshot lifecycle policy. [[slm-api-put-request]] ==== {api-request-title} `PUT /_slm/policy/` [[slm-api-put-prereqs]] ==== {api-prereq-title} If the {es} {security-features} are enabled, you must have the `manage_slm` cluster privilege and the `manage` index privilege for any included indices to use this API. For more information, see <>. [[slm-api-put-desc]] ==== {api-description-title} Use the put snapshot lifecycle policy API to create or update a snapshot lifecycle policy. If the policy already exists, this request increments the policy's version. Only the latest version of a policy is stored. [[slm-api-put-path-params]] ==== {api-path-parms-title} ``:: (Required, string) ID for the snapshot lifecycle policy you want to create or update. [[slm-api-put-query-params]] ==== {api-query-parms-title} include::{es-repo-dir}/rest-api/common-parms.asciidoc[tag=timeoutparms] [role="child_attributes"] [[slm-api-put-request-body]] ==== {api-request-body-title} `config`:: (Required, object) Configuration for each snapshot created by the policy. + .Properties of `config` [%collapsible%open] ==== `ignore_unavailable`:: (Optional, Boolean) If `true`, missing data streams or indices do *not* cause snapshot creation to fail and return an error. Defaults to `false`. `include_global_state`:: (Optional, Boolean) If `true`, cluster states are included in snapshots. Defaults to `false`. `indices`:: (Optional, array of strings) Array of data streams and indices to include in snapshots. <> and wildcard (`*`) expressions are supported. ==== `name`:: (Required, string) Name automatically assigned to each snapshot created by the policy. <> is supported. To prevent conflicting snapshot names, a UUID is automatically appended to each snapshot name. `repository`:: (Required, string) Repository used to store snapshots created by this policy. This repository must exist prior to the policy's creation. You can create a repository using the <>. [[slm-api-put-retention]] `retention`:: (Optional, object) Retention rules used to retain and delete snapshots created by the policy. + .Properties of `retention` [%collapsible%open] ==== `expire_after`:: (Optional, <>) Time period after which a snapshot is considered expired and eligible for deletion. `max_count`:: (Optional, integer) Maximum number of snapshots to retain, even if the snapshots have not yet expired. If the number of snapshots in the repository exceeds this limit, the policy retains the most recent snapshots and deletes older snapshots. `min_count`:: (Optional, integer) Minimum number of snapshots to retain, even if the snapshots have expired. ==== `schedule`:: (Required, <>) Periodic or absolute schedule at which the policy creates snapshots and deletes expired snapshots. Schedule changes to existing policies are applied immediately. [[slm-api-put-example]] ==== {api-examples-title} Create a `daily-snapshots` lifecycle policy: [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- PUT /_slm/policy/daily-snapshots { "schedule": "0 30 1 * * ?", <1> "name": "", <2> "repository": "my_repository", <3> "config": { <4> "indices": ["data-*", "important"], <5> "ignore_unavailable": false, "include_global_state": false }, "retention": { <6> "expire_after": "30d", <7> "min_count": 5, <8> "max_count": 50 <9> } } -------------------------------------------------- // TEST[setup:setup-repository] <1> When the snapshot should be taken, in this case, 1:30am daily <2> The name each snapshot should be given <3> Which repository to take the snapshot in <4> Any extra snapshot configuration <5> Data streams and indices the snapshot should contain <6> Optional retention configuration <7> Keep snapshots for 30 days <8> Always keep at least 5 successful snapshots, even if they're more than 30 days old <9> Keep no more than 50 successful snapshots, even if they're less than 30 days old