if (project.projectDir.name != 'x-plugins') {
  throw new GradleException('You must checkout x-plugins in a directory named x-plugins next to elasticsearch')

subprojects {
  // we must not publish to sonatype until we have set up x-plugins to only publish the parts we want to publish!
  project.afterEvaluate {
    if (project.plugins.hasPlugin('com.bmuschko.nexus')) {
      install.enabled = false
      uploadArchives.enabled = false


subprojects {
  task artifacts {
    group = "Help"
    description = "Displays the artifacts associated with each configuration of " + project
    doFirst {
      configurations.findAll().each { config ->
        println "${config}:"
        config.allArtifacts.getFiles().each { file -> println "" + file}
        println ' '