==== Indices Query

See {ref}/query-dsl-indices-query.html[Indices Query]

// Using another query when no match for the main one
QueryBuilder qb = indicesQuery(
        termQuery("tag", "wow"),             <1>
        "index1", "index2"                   <2>
    ).noMatchQuery(termQuery("tag", "kow")); <3>
<1> query to be executed on selected indices
<2> selected indices
<3> query to be executed on non matching indices

// Using all (match all) or none (match no documents)
QueryBuilder qb = indicesQuery(
        termQuery("tag", "wow"),            <1>
        "index1", "index2"                  <2>
    ).noMatchQuery("all");                  <3>
<1> query to be executed on selected indices
<2> selected indices
<3> `none` (to match no documents), and `all` (to match all documents). Defaults to `all`.