[role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[async-search]] === Async search The async search API let you asynchronously execute a search request, monitor its progress, and retrieve partial results as they become available. [[submit-async-search]] ==== Submit async search API Executes a search request asynchronously. It accepts the same parameters and request body as the <>. [source,console,id=submit-async-search-date-histogram-example] -------------------------------------------------- POST /sales*/_async_search?size=0 { "sort" : [ { "date" : {"order" : "asc"} } ], "aggs" : { "sale_date" : { "date_histogram" : { "field" : "date", "calendar_interval": "1d" } } } } -------------------------------------------------- // TEST[setup:sales] // TEST[s/size=0/size=0&wait_for_completion=10s&clean_on_completion=false/] The response contains an identifier of the search being executed. You can use this ID to later retrieve the search's final results. The currently available search results are returned as part of the <> object. [source,console-result] -------------------------------------------------- { "id" : "FmRldE8zREVEUzA2ZVpUeGs2ejJFUFEaMkZ5QTVrSTZSaVN3WlNFVmtlWHJsdzoxMDc=", <1> "is_partial" : true, <2> "is_running" : true, <3> "start_time_in_millis" : 1583945890986, "expiration_time_in_millis" : 1584377890986, "response" : { "took" : 1122, "timed_out" : false, "num_reduce_phases" : 0, "_shards" : { "total" : 562, <4> "successful" : 3, <5> "skipped" : 0, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : { "value" : 157483, <6> "relation" : "gte" }, "max_score" : null, "hits" : [ ] } } } -------------------------------------------------- // TESTRESPONSE[s/FmRldE8zREVEUzA2ZVpUeGs2ejJFUFEaMkZ5QTVrSTZSaVN3WlNFVmtlWHJsdzoxMDc=/$body.id/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"is_partial" : true/"is_partial": $body.is_partial/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"is_running" : true/"is_running": $body.is_running/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/1583945890986/$body.start_time_in_millis/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/1584377890986/$body.expiration_time_in_millis/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"took" : 1122/"took": $body.response.took/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"num_reduce_phases" : 0,//] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"total" : 562/"total": $body.response._shards.total/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"successful" : 3/"successful": $body.response._shards.successful/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"value" : 157483/"value": $body.response.hits.total.value/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"relation" : "gte"/"relation": $body.response.hits.total.relation/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"hits" : \[ \]\n\s\s\s\s\}/"hits" : \[\]},"aggregations": $body.response.aggregations/] <1> Identifier of the async search that can be used to monitor its progress, retrieve its results, and/or delete it. <2> Whether the returned search results are partial or final <3> Whether the search is still being executed or it has completed <4> How many shards the search will be executed on, overall <5> How many shards have successfully completed the search <6> How many documents are currently matching the query, which belong to the shards that have already completed the search It is possible to block and wait until the search is completed up to a certain timeout by providing the `wait_for_completion` parameter, which defaults to `1` second. You can also specify how long the async search needs to be available through the `keep_alive` parameter, which defaults to `5d` (five days). Ongoing async searches and any saved search results are deleted after this period. NOTE: When the primary sort of the results is an indexed field, shards get sorted based on minimum and maximum value that they hold for that field, hence partial results become available following the sort criteria that was requested. The submit async search API supports the same <> as the search API, though some have different default values: * `batched_reduce_size` defaults to `5`: this affects how often partial results become available, which happens whenever shard results are reduced. A partial reduction is performed every time the coordinating node has received a certain number of new shard responses (`5` by default). * `request_cache` defaults to `true` * `pre_filter_shard_size` defaults to `1` and cannot be changed: this is to enforce the execution of a pre-filter roundtrip to retrieve statistics from each shard so that the ones that surely don't hold any document matching the query get skipped. * `ccs_minimize_roundtrips` defaults to `false`, which is also the only supported value WARNING: Async search does not support <> nor search requests that only include the <>. {ccs} is supported only with <> set to `false`. [[get-async-search]] ==== Get async search The get async search API retrieves the results of a previously submitted async search request given its id. If the {es} {security-features} are enabled. the access to the results of a specific async search is restricted to the user that submitted it in the first place. [source,console,id=get-async-search-date-histogram-example] -------------------------------------------------- GET /_async_search/FmRldE8zREVEUzA2ZVpUeGs2ejJFUFEaMkZ5QTVrSTZSaVN3WlNFVmtlWHJsdzoxMDc= -------------------------------------------------- // TEST[continued s/FmRldE8zREVEUzA2ZVpUeGs2ejJFUFEaMkZ5QTVrSTZSaVN3WlNFVmtlWHJsdzoxMDc=/\${body.id}/] [source,console-result] -------------------------------------------------- { "id" : "FmRldE8zREVEUzA2ZVpUeGs2ejJFUFEaMkZ5QTVrSTZSaVN3WlNFVmtlWHJsdzoxMDc=", "is_partial" : true, <1> "is_running" : true, <2> "start_time_in_millis" : 1583945890986, "expiration_time_in_millis" : 1584377890986, <3> "response" : { "took" : 12144, "timed_out" : false, "num_reduce_phases" : 46, <4> "_shards" : { "total" : 562, <5> "successful" : 188, "skipped" : 0, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : { "value" : 456433, "relation" : "eq" }, "max_score" : null, "hits" : [ ] }, "aggregations" : { <6> "sale_date" : { "buckets" : [] } } } } -------------------------------------------------- // TESTRESPONSE[s/FmRldE8zREVEUzA2ZVpUeGs2ejJFUFEaMkZ5QTVrSTZSaVN3WlNFVmtlWHJsdzoxMDc=/$body.id/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"is_partial" : true/"is_partial" : false/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"is_running" : true/"is_running" : false/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/1583945890986/$body.start_time_in_millis/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/1584377890986/$body.expiration_time_in_millis/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"took" : 12144/"took": $body.response.took/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"total" : 562/"total": $body.response._shards.total/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"successful" : 188/"successful": $body.response._shards.successful/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"value" : 456433/"value": $body.response.hits.total.value/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"buckets" : \[\]/"buckets": $body.response.aggregations.sale_date.buckets/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"num_reduce_phases" : 46,//] <1> Whether the returned search results are partial or final <2> Whether the search is still being executed or it has completed <3> When the async search will expire <4> Indicates how many reduction of the results have been performed. If this number increases compared to the last retrieved results, you can expect additional results included in the search response <5> Indicates how many shards have executed the query. Note that in order for shard results to be included in the search response, they need to be reduced first. <6> Partial aggregations results, coming from the shards that have already completed the execution of the query. The `wait_for_completion` parameter, which defaults to `1`, can also be provided when calling the Get Async Search API, in order to wait for the search to be completed up until the provided timeout. Final results will be returned if available before the timeout expires, otherwise the currently available results will be returned once the timeout expires. The `keep_alive` parameter specifies how long the async search should be available in the cluster. When not specified, the `keep_alive` set with the corresponding submit async request will be used. Otherwise, it is possible to override such value and extend the validity of the request. When this period expires, the search, if still running, is cancelled. If the search is completed, its saved results are deleted. [[delete-async-search]] ==== Delete async search You can use the delete async search API to manually delete an async search by ID. If the search is still running, the search request will be cancelled. Otherwise, the saved search results are deleted. [source,console,id=delete-async-search-date-histogram-example] -------------------------------------------------- DELETE /_async_search/FmRldE8zREVEUzA2ZVpUeGs2ejJFUFEaMkZ5QTVrSTZSaVN3WlNFVmtlWHJsdzoxMDc= -------------------------------------------------- // TEST[continued s/FmRldE8zREVEUzA2ZVpUeGs2ejJFUFEaMkZ5QTVrSTZSaVN3WlNFVmtlWHJsdzoxMDc=/\${body.id}/]