. Set the passwords for all built-in users. + -- If you have enabled {security}, it provides built-in user credentials to help you get up and running. The +setup-passwords+ command is the simplest method to set the built-in users' passwords for the first time. For example, you can run the command in an "interactive" mode, which prompts you to enter new passwords for the `elastic`, `kibana`, and `logstash_system` users: [source,shell] -------------------------------------------------- bin/x-pack/setup-passwords interactive -------------------------------------------------- For more information about the command options, see <>. IMPORTANT: The `setup-passwords` command uses a transient bootstrap password that is no longer valid after the command runs successfully. You cannot run the `setup-passwords` command a second time. Instead, you can update passwords from the **Management > Users** UI in {kib} or use the security user API. For more information, see {xpack-ref}/setting-up-authentication.html#set-built-in-user-passwords[Setting Built-in User Passwords]. --