[role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[eql-pipe-ref]] == EQL pipe reference ++++ Pipe reference ++++ dev::[] {es} supports the following EQL pipes: * <> * <> [discrete] [[eql-pipe-head]] === `head` Returns up to a specified number of events or sequences, starting with the earliest matches. Works similarly to the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_(Unix)[Unix head command]. [%collapsible] ==== *Example* The following EQL query returns up to three of the earliest powershell commands. [source,eql] ---- process where process.name == "powershell.exe" | head 3 ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- head ---- *Parameters* ``:: (Required, integer) Maximum number of matching events or sequences to return. ==== [discrete] [[eql-pipe-tail]] === `tail` Returns up to a specified number of events or sequences, starting with the most recent matches. Works similarly to the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tail_(Unix)[Unix tail command]. [%collapsible] ==== *Example* The following EQL query returns up to five of the most recent `svchost.exe` processes. [source,eql] ---- process where process.name == "svchost.exe" | tail 5 ---- *Syntax* [source,txt] ---- tail ---- *Parameters* ``:: (Required, integer) Maximum number of matching events or sequences to return. ====