 * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
 * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright
 * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
 * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.FixCrLfFilter
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.condition.Os
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.precommit.DependencyLicensesTask
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.precommit.UpdateShasTask
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.RunTask
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.EmptyDirTask
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.MavenFilteringHack
import org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException
import org.gradle.internal.nativeintegration.filesystem.Chmod

// for deb/rpm
buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/"
  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.netflix.nebula:gradle-ospackage-plugin:3.1.0'

// this is common configuration for distributions, but we also add it here for the license check to use
ext.dependencyFiles = project(':core').configurations.runtime.copyRecursive().exclude(module: 'slf4j-api')

 *                                  Modules                                  *

task buildModules(type: Sync) {
  into 'build/modules'

ext.restTestExpansions = [
  'expected.modules.count': 0,
// we create the buildModules task above so the distribution subprojects can
// depend on it, but we don't actually configure it until here so we can do a single
// loop over modules to also setup cross task dependencies and increment our modules counter
project.rootProject.subprojects.findAll { it.path.startsWith(':modules:') }.each { Project module ->
  buildModules {
    dependsOn({ project(module.path).bundlePlugin })
    into(module.name) {
      from { zipTree(project(module.path).bundlePlugin.outputs.files.singleFile) }
  // We would like to make sure integ tests for the distribution run after
  // integ tests for the modules included in the distribution. However, gradle
  // has a bug where depending on a task with a finalizer can sometimes not make
  // the finalizer task follow the original task immediately. To work around this,
  // we make the mustRunAfter the finalizer task itself.
  // See https://discuss.gradle.org/t/cross-project-task-dependencies-ordering-screws-up-finalizers/13190
  project.configure(project.subprojects.findAll { it.name != 'integ-test-zip' }) { Project distribution ->
  // also want to make sure the module's integration tests run after the integ-test-zip (ie rest tests)
  restTestExpansions['expected.modules.count'] += 1

// make sure we have a clean task since we aren't a java project, but we have tasks that
// put stuff in the build dir
task clean(type: Delete) {
  delete 'build'

subprojects {
   *                            Rest test config                               *
  apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.rest-test'
  project.integTest {
    dependsOn project.assemble
    includePackaged project.name == 'integ-test-zip'
    cluster {
      distribution = project.name
    if (project.name != 'integ-test-zip') {
      // see note above with module mustRunAfter about why integTest#stop is used here
      mustRunAfter ':distribution:integ-test-zip:integTest#stop'
  processTestResources {
    MavenFilteringHack.filter(it, project(':distribution').restTestExpansions)

   *                              Maven config                                 *
  // note: the group must be correct before applying the nexus plugin, or it will capture the wrong value...
  project.group = "org.elasticsearch.distribution.${project.name}"
  apply plugin: 'com.bmuschko.nexus'
  // we must create our own install task, because it is only added when the java plugin is added
  task install(type: Upload, description: "Installs the 'archives' artifacts into the local Maven repository.", group: 'Upload') {
    configuration = configurations.archives
    MavenRepositoryHandlerConvention repositoriesHandler = (MavenRepositoryHandlerConvention)getRepositories().getConvention().getPlugin(MavenRepositoryHandlerConvention)

  // TODO: the map needs to be an input of the tasks, so that when it changes, the task will re-run...
   *             Properties to expand when copying packaging files             *
  project.ext {
    expansions = expansionsForDistribution(project.name)

     *                   Common files in all distributions                       *
    libFiles = copySpec {
      into 'lib'
      from project(':core').jar
      from project(':distribution').dependencyFiles

    modulesFiles = copySpec {
      into 'modules'
      from project(':distribution').buildModules

    configFiles = copySpec {
      from '../src/main/resources/config'

    commonFiles = copySpec {
      // everything except windows files, and config is separate
      from '../src/main/resources'
      exclude 'bin/*.bat'
      exclude 'bin/*.exe'
      exclude 'config/**'
      filesMatching('bin/*') { it.setMode(0755) }
      MavenFilteringHack.filter(it, expansions)

 *                         Zip and tgz configuration                         *
configure(subprojects.findAll { ['zip', 'tar', 'integ-test-zip'].contains(it.name) }) {
  project.ext.archivesFiles = copySpec {
    into("elasticsearch-${version}") {
      with libFiles
      into('config') {
        with configFiles
      with copySpec {
        with commonFiles
        from('../src/main/resources') {
          include 'bin/*.bat'
          filter(FixCrLfFilter, eol: FixCrLfFilter.CrLf.newInstance('crlf'))
        MavenFilteringHack.filter(it, expansions)
      from('../src/main/resources') {
        include 'bin/*.exe'
      if (project.name != 'integ-test-zip') {
        with modulesFiles

 *                         Deb and rpm configuration                         *
 * The general strategy here is to build a directory on disk, packagingFiles
 * that contains stuff that needs to be copied into the distributions. This is
 * important for two reasons:
 * 1. ospackage wants to copy the directory permissions that it sees off of the
 *    filesystem. If you ask it to create a directory that doesn't already
 *    exist on disk it petulantly creates it with 0755 permissions, no matter
 *    how hard you try to convince it otherwise.
 * 2. Convincing ospackage to pick up an empty directory as part of a set of
 *    directories on disk is reasonably easy. Convincing it to just create an
 *    empty directory requires more wits than I have.
 * 3. ospackage really wants to suck up some of the debian control scripts
 *    directly from the filesystem. It doesn't want to process them through
 *    MavenFilteringHack or any other copy-style action.
configure(subprojects.findAll { ['deb', 'rpm'].contains(it.name) }) {
  integTest.enabled = Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS) == false
  File packagingFiles = new File(buildDir, 'packaging')
  project.ext.packagingFiles = packagingFiles
  task processPackagingFiles(type: Copy) {
    from '../src/main/packaging'
    from 'src/main/packaging'

    MavenFilteringHack.filter(it, expansions)
    into packagingFiles
    /* Explicitly declare the outputs so that gradle won't skip this task if
      one of the other tasks like createEtc run first and create the packaging
      directory as a side effect. */

  task createEtc(type: EmptyDirTask) {
    dir "${packagingFiles}/etc/elasticsearch"
    dirMode 0750

  task createEtcScripts(type: EmptyDirTask) {
    dependsOn createEtc
    dir "${packagingFiles}/etc/elasticsearch/scripts"
    dirMode 0750

  task fillEtc(type: Copy) {
    dependsOn createEtc, createEtcScripts
    with configFiles
    into "${packagingFiles}/etc/elasticsearch"
    /* Explicitly declare the output files so this task doesn't consider itself
      up to date when the directory is created, which it would by default. And
      that'll happen when createEtc runs. */
    outputs.file "${packagingFiles}/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml"
    outputs.file "${packagingFiles}/etc/elasticsearch/logging.yml"

  task createPidDir(type: EmptyDirTask) {
    dir "${packagingFiles}/var/run/elasticsearch"
  task createLogDir(type: EmptyDirTask) {
    dir "${packagingFiles}/var/log/elasticsearch"
  task createDataDir(type: EmptyDirTask) {
    dir "${packagingFiles}/var/lib/elasticsearch"
  task createPluginsDir(type: EmptyDirTask) {
    dir "${packagingFiles}/usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins"

   * Setup the build/packaging directory to be like the target filesystem
   * because ospackage will use arbitrary permissions if you try to create a
   * directory that doesn't exist on the filesystem.
  task preparePackagingFiles {
    dependsOn processPackagingFiles, fillEtc, createPidDir, createLogDir,
        createDataDir, createPluginsDir

  apply plugin: 'nebula.ospackage-base'
  ospackage {
    packageName 'elasticsearch'
    maintainer 'Elasticsearch Team <info@elastic.co>'
    summary '''
      Elasticsearch is a distributed RESTful search engine built for the cloud.
      Reference documentation can be found at
      and the 'Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide' book can be found at
      '''.stripIndent().replace('\n', ' ').trim()
    url 'https://www.elastic.co/'

    /* The version of the package can't contain -SNAPSHOT so we rip it off if
      we see it. We'll add it back on to the file name though. */
    version project.version.replace('-SNAPSHOT', '')

    String scripts = "${packagingFiles}/scripts"
    preInstall file("${scripts}/preinst")
    postInstall file("${scripts}/postinst")
    preUninstall file("${scripts}/prerm")
    postUninstall file("${scripts}/postrm")

    into '/usr/share/elasticsearch'
    user 'root'
    permissionGroup 'root'
    with libFiles
    with modulesFiles
    with copySpec {
      with commonFiles
      if (project.name == 'deb') {
        // Deb gets a copyright file instead.
        exclude 'LICENSE.txt'

    configurationFile '/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml'
    configurationFile '/etc/elasticsearch/logging.yml'
    into('/etc') {
      from "${packagingFiles}/etc"
      fileMode 0750
      permissionGroup 'elasticsearch'
      includeEmptyDirs true
      createDirectoryEntry true

    into('/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d') {
      from "${packagingFiles}/systemd/elasticsearch.conf"
    configurationFile '/usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service'
    into('/usr/lib/systemd/system') {
      from "${packagingFiles}/systemd/elasticsearch.service"
    into('/usr/lib/sysctl.d') {
      from "${packagingFiles}/systemd/sysctl/elasticsearch.conf"
    configurationFile '/etc/init.d/elasticsearch'
    into('/etc/init.d') {
      from "${packagingFiles}/init.d/elasticsearch"
      fileMode 0755
    configurationFile project.expansions['path.env']
    into(new File(project.expansions['path.env']).getParent()) {
      from "${project.packagingFiles}/env/elasticsearch"

     * Suck up all the empty directories that we need to install into the path.
    Closure suckUpEmptyDirectories = { path ->
      into(path) {
        from "${packagingFiles}/${path}"
        includeEmptyDirs true
        createDirectoryEntry true
        /* All of these empty directories have this ownership. We're just
          lucky! */
        user 'elasticsearch'
        permissionGroup 'elasticsearch'

// TODO: dependency checks should really be when building the jar itself, which would remove the need
// for this hackery and instead we can do this inside the BuildPlugin
task dependencyLicenses(type: DependencyLicensesTask) {
  dependsOn = [dependencyFiles]
  dependencies = dependencyFiles
  mapping from: /lucene-.*/, to: 'lucene'
  mapping from: /jackson-.*/, to: 'jackson'
task check(group: 'Verification', description: 'Runs all checks.', dependsOn: dependencyLicenses) {} // dummy task!
task updateShas(type: UpdateShasTask) {
  parentTask = dependencyLicenses

task run(type: RunTask) {}

 * Build some variables that are replaced in the packages. This includes both
 * scripts like bin/elasticsearch and bin/plugin that a user might run and also
 * scripts like postinst which are run as part of the installation.
 * <dl>
 *  <dt>package.name</dt>
 *  <dd>The name of the project. Its sprinkled throughout the scripts.</dd>
 *  <dt>package.version</dt>
 *  <dd>The version of the project. Its mostly used to find the exact jar name.
 *    </dt>
 *  <dt>path.conf</dt>
 *  <dd>The default directory from which to load configuration. This is used in
 *    the packaging scripts, but in that context it is always
 *    /etc/elasticsearch. Its also used in bin/plugin, where it is
 *    /etc/elasticsearch for the os packages but $ESHOME/config otherwise.</dd>
 *  <dt>path.env</dt>
 *  <dd>The env file sourced before bin/elasticsearch to set environment
 *    variables. Think /etc/defaults/elasticsearch.</dd>
 *  <dt>heap.min and heap.max</dt>
 *  <dd>Default min and max heap</dd>
 *  <dt>scripts.footer</dt>
 *  <dd>Footer appended to control scripts embedded in the distribution that is
 *    (almost) entirely there for cosmetic reasons.</dd>
 *  <dt>stopping.timeout</dt>
 *  <dd>RPM's init script needs to wait for elasticsearch to stop before
 *    returning from stop and it needs a maximum time to wait. This is it. One
 *    day. DEB retries forever.</dd>
 * </dl>
Map<String, String> expansionsForDistribution(distributionType) {
  String footer = "# Built for ${project.name}-${project.version} " +
  Map<String, Object> expansions = [
    'project.name': project.name,
    'project.version': version,

    'path.conf': [
      'tar': '$ES_HOME/config',
      'zip': '$ES_HOME/config',
      'def': '/etc/elasticsearch',
    'path.env': [
      'deb': '/etc/default/elasticsearch',
      'rpm': '/etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch',
      /* There isn't one of these files for tar or zip but its important to
        make an empty string here so the script can properly skip it. */
      'def': '',

    'heap.min': '256m',
    'heap.max': '1g',

    'stopping.timeout': [
      'rpm': 86400,

    'scripts.footer': [
      /* Debian needs exit 0 on these scripts so we add it here and preserve
        the pretty footer. */
      'deb': "exit 0\n${footer}",
      'def': footer
  Map<String, String> result = [:]
  expansions = expansions.each { key, value ->
    if (value instanceof Map) {
      // 'def' is for default but its three characters like 'rpm' and 'deb'
      value = value[distributionType] ?: value['def']
      if (value == null) {
    result[key] = value
  return result