[[setup-upgrade]] = Upgrade {es} [partintro] -- {es} can usually be upgraded using a <<rolling-upgrades,Rolling upgrade>> process so upgrading does not interrupt service. Rolling upgrades are supported: * Between minor versions * From 5.6 to 6.8 * From 6.8 to {version} The following table shows the recommended upgrade paths to {version}. [cols="<1m,3",options="header",] |==== |Upgrade from |Recommended upgrade path to {version} |7.0–7.4 |<<rolling-upgrades,Rolling upgrade>> to {version} |6.8 |<<rolling-upgrades,Rolling upgrade>> to {version} |6.0–6.7 a| . https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.8/rolling-upgrades.html[Rolling upgrade] to 6.8 . <<rolling-upgrades,Rolling upgrade>> to {version} |5.6 a| . https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.8/rolling-upgrades.html[Rolling upgrade] to 6.8 . <<rolling-upgrades,Rolling upgrade>> to {version} |5.0–5.5 a| . https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.6/rolling-upgrades.html[Rolling upgrade] to 5.6 . https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.8/rolling-upgrades.html[Rolling upgrade] to 6.8 . <<rolling-upgrades,Rolling upgrade>> to {version} |==== [WARNING] ==== The following upgrade paths are *not* supported: * 6.8 to 7.0. * 6.7 to 7.1.–{version}. ==== {es} can read indices created in the previous major version. If you have indices created in 5.x or before, you must reindex or delete them before upgrading to {version}. {es} nodes will fail to start if incompatible indices are present. Snapshots of 5.x or earlier indices cannot be restored to a 7.x cluster even if they were created by a 6.x cluster. For information about upgrading old indices, see <<reindex-upgrade, Reindex to upgrade>>. When upgrading to a new version of {es}, you need to upgrade each of the products in your Elastic Stack. For more information, see the {stack-ref}/upgrading-elastic-stack.html[Elastic Stack Installation and Upgrade Guide]. To upgrade directly to {version} from 6.7 or earlier, you must shut down the cluster, install {version}, and restart. For more information, see <<restart-upgrade, Full cluster restart upgrade>>. [float] == Preparing to upgrade Before upgrading {es}: . Check the <<deprecation-logging, deprecation log>> to see if you are using any deprecated features and update your code accordingly. By default, deprecation warnings are logged when the log level is set to `WARN`. . Review the <<breaking-changes,breaking changes>> and make any necessary changes to your code and configuration for {version}. . If you use custom plugins, make sure compatible versions are available. . Test upgrades in a dev environment before upgrading your production cluster. . <<modules-snapshots,Back up your data!>> You must have a snapshot of your data to roll back to an earlier version. -- include::upgrade/rolling_upgrade.asciidoc[] include::upgrade/cluster_restart.asciidoc[] include::upgrade/reindex_upgrade.asciidoc[]