["appendix",role="exclude",id="redirects"] = Deleted pages The following pages have moved or been deleted. [role="exclude",id="cluster-nodes-shutdown"] === Nodes shutdown The `_shutdown` API has been removed. Instead, setup Elasticsearch to run as a service (see <>, <>, or <>) or use the `-p` command line option to <>. [role="exclude",id="indices-upgrade"] === Upgrade API The `_upgrade` API is no longer useful and will be removed. Instead, see <>. [role="exclude",id="migration-api-assistance"] === Migration Assistance API The Migration Assistance API has been replaced with the <>. [role="exclude",id="migration-api-upgrade"] === Migration Upgrade API The Migration Upgrade API has been removed. Use the {kibana-ref}/upgrade-assistant.html[{kib} Upgrade Assistant] or <> instead. [role="exclude",id="docs-bulk-udp"] === Bulk UDP API The Bulk UDP services has been removed. Use the standard <> instead. [role="exclude",id="indices-delete-mapping"] === Delete Mapping It is no longer possible to delete the mapping for a type. Instead you should <> and recreate it with the new mappings. [role="exclude",id="indices-status"] === Index Status The index `_status` API has been replaced with the <> and <> APIs. [role="exclude",id="mapping-analyzer-field"] === `_analyzer` The `_analyzer` field in type mappings is no longer supported and will be automatically removed from mappings when upgrading to 2.x. [role="exclude",id="mapping-boost-field"] === `_boost` The `_boost` field in type mappings is no longer supported and will be automatically removed from mappings when upgrading to 2.x. [role="exclude",id="mapping-conf-mappings"] === Config mappings It is no longer possible to specify mappings in files in the `config` directory. Instead, mappings should be created using the API with: * <> * <> * <> [role="exclude",id="mapping-parent-field"] === `_parent` field The `_parent` field has been removed in favour of the <>. [role="exclude",id="mapping-uid-field"] === `_uid` field The `_uid` field has been removed in favour of the <>. [role="exclude",id="modules-memcached"] === memcached The `memcached` transport is no longer supported. Instead use the REST interface over <> or the {javaclient}/index.html[Java API]. [role="exclude",id="modules-thrift"] === Thrift The `thrift` transport is no longer supported. Instead use the REST interface over <> or the {javaclient}/index.html[Java API]. // QUERY DSL [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-queries"] === Queries Queries and filters have been merged. Any query clause can now be used as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-filters"] === Filters Queries and filters have been merged. Any query clause can now be used as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-not-filter"] === Not Filter The `not` query has been replaced by using a `must_not` clause in a `bool` query (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-bool-filter"] === Bool Filter The `bool` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-exists-filter"] === Exists Filter The `exists` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-geo-bounding-box-filter"] === Geo Bounding Box Filter The `geo_bounding_box` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-geo-distance-filter"] === Geo Distance Filter The `geo_distance` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-geo-distance-range-filter"] === Geo Distance Range Filter The `geo_distance_range` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-geo-polygon-filter"] === Geo Polygon Filter The `geo_polygon` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-geo-shape-filter"] === Geo Shape Filter The `geo_shape` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-has-child-filter"] === Has Child Filter The `has_child` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-has-parent-filter"] === Has Parent Filter The `has_parent` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-top-children-query"] === Top Children Query The `top_children` query has been removed. Use the <> instead. [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-ids-filter"] === IDs Filter The `ids` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-match-all-filter"] === Match All Filter The `match_all` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-nested-filter"] === Nested Filter The `nested` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-prefix-filter"] === Prefix Filter The `prefix` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-query-filter"] === Query Filter The `query` filter has been removed as queries and filters have been merged (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-range-filter"] === Range Filter The `range` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-regexp-filter"] === Regexp Filter The `regexp` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-script-filter"] === Script Filter The `script` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-term-filter"] === Term Filter The `term` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-terms-filter"] === Terms Filter The `terms` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-type-filter"] === Type Filter The `type` filter has been replaced by the <>. It behaves as a query in ``query context'' and as a filter in ``filter context'' (see <>). [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-flt-query"] === Fuzzy Like This Query The `fuzzy_like_this`, alternatively known as `flt`, query has been removed. Instead use either the <> parameter with the <> or the <>. [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-flt-field-query"] === Fuzzy Like This Field Query The `fuzzy_like_this_field` or `flt_field` query has been removed. Instead use the <> parameter with the <> or the <>. [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-geo-distance-range-query"] === Geo distance range Query The `geo_distance_range` query has been removed. Instead use the <> with pagination or the <> depending on your needs. [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-geohash-cell-query"] === Geohash Cell Query The `geohash_cell` query has been removed. Instead use the <>. [role="exclude",id="search-more-like-this"] === More Like This API The More Like This API has been removed. Instead, use the <>. // FACETS [role="exclude",id="search-facets"] === Facets Faceted search refers to a way to explore large amounts of data by displaying summaries about various partitions of the data and later allowing to narrow the navigation to a specific partition. In Elasticsearch, `facets` are also the name of a feature that allowed to compute these summaries. `facets` have been replaced by <> in Elasticsearch 1.0, which are a superset of facets. [role="exclude",id="search-facets-filter-facet"] === Filter Facet Facets have been removed. Use the <> or <> instead. [role="exclude",id="search-facets-query-facet"] === Query Facet Facets have been removed. Use the <> or <> instead. [role="exclude",id="search-facets-geo-distance-facet"] === Geo Distance Facet Facets have been removed. Use the <> instead. [role="exclude",id="search-facets-histogram-facet"] === Histogram Facet Facets have been removed. Use the <> instead. [role="exclude",id="search-facets-date-histogram-facet"] === Date Histogram Facet Facets have been removed. Use the <> instead. [role="exclude",id="search-facets-range-facet"] === Range Facet Facets have been removed. Use the <> instead. [role="exclude",id="search-facets-terms-facet"] === Terms Facet Facets have been removed. Use the <> instead. [role="exclude",id="search-facets-terms-statistical-facet"] === Terms Stats Facet Facets have been removed. Use the <> with the <> or the <> instead. [role="exclude",id="search-facets-statistical-facet"] === Statistical Facet Facets have been removed. Use the <> or the <> instead. [role="exclude",id="search-facets-migrating-to-aggs"] === Migrating from facets to aggregations Facets have been removed. Use <> instead. // CACHES [role="exclude",id="shard-query-cache"] === Shard request cache The shard query cache has been renamed <>. [role="exclude",id="filter-cache"] === Query cache The filter cache has been renamed <>. [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-filtered-query"] === Filtered query The `filtered` query is replaced by the <> query. Instead of the following: [source,js] ------------------------- ## INCORRECT - DEPRECATED SYNTAX, DO NOT USE GET _search { "query": { "filtered": { "query": { "match": { "text": "quick brown fox" } }, "filter": { "term": { "status": "published" } } } } } ------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE move the query and filter to the `must` and `filter` parameters in the `bool` query: [source,console] ------------------------- GET _search { "query": { "bool": { "must": { "match": { "text": "quick brown fox" } }, "filter": { "term": { "status": "published" } } } } } ------------------------- [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-or-query"] === Or query The `or` query is replaced in favour of the <> query. [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-or-filter"] === Or filter The `or` filter is replaced in favour of the <> query. [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-and-query"] === And query The `and` query is replaced in favour of the <> query. [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-and-filter"] === And filter The `and` filter is replaced in favour of the <> query. [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-limit-query"] === Limit query The `limit` query is replaced in favour of the <> parameter of search requests. [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-limit-filter"] === Limit filter The `limit` filter is replaced in favour of the <> parameter of search requests. [role="exclude",id="query-dsl-not-query"] === Not query The `not` query has been replaced by using a `mustNot` clause in a Boolean query. [role="exclude",id="mapping-nested-type"] === Nested type The docs for the `nested` field datatype have moved to <>. [role="exclude",id="indices-warmers"] === Warmers Warmers have been removed. There have been significant improvements to the index that make warmers not necessary anymore. [role="exclude",id="index-boost"] === Index time boosting The index time boost mapping has been replaced with query time boost (see <>). [role="exclude",id="modules-scripting-native"] === Native scripting Native scripts have been replaced with writing custom `ScriptEngine` backends (see <>). [role="exclude",id="modules-advanced-scripting"] === Advanced scripting Using `_index` in scripts has been replaced with writing `ScriptEngine` backends (see <>). [role="exclude",id="modules-scripting-painless-syntax"] === Painless Syntax See the {painless}/painless-lang-spec.html[Painless Language Specification] in the guide to the {painless}/index.html[Painless Scripting Language]. [role="exclude",id="modules-scripting-painless-debugging"] === Painless Debugging See {painless}/painless-debugging.html[Painless Debugging] in the guide to the {painless}/index.html[Painless Scripting Language]. [role="exclude",id="painless-api-reference"] === Painless Contexts API Reference See the {painless}/painless-api-reference.html[Painless Contexts API Reference] in the guide to the {painless}/index.html[Painless Scripting Language]. [role="exclude", id="security-api-roles"] === Role management APIs You can use the following APIs to add, remove, and retrieve roles in the native realm: * <>, <> * <> * <> [role="exclude",id="security-api-tokens"] === Token management APIs You can use the following APIs to create and invalidate bearer tokens for access without requiring basic authentication: * <>, <> [role="exclude",id="security-api-users"] === User Management APIs You can use the following APIs to create, read, update, and delete users from the native realm: * <>, <> * <>, <> * <> * <> [role="exclude",id="security-api-role-mapping"] === Role mapping APIs You can use the following APIs to add, remove, and retrieve role mappings: * <>, <> * <> [role="exclude",id="security-api-privileges"] === Privilege APIs See <>. [role="exclude",id="xpack-commands"] === X-Pack commands See <>. [role="exclude",id="ml-api-definitions"] === Machine learning API definitions See <>. [role="exclude",id="analysis-standard-tokenfilter"] === Standard filter removed The standard token filter has been removed. [role="exclude",id="modules-discovery-azure-classic"] See <>. [role="exclude",id="modules-discovery-ec2"] See <>. [role="exclude",id="modules-discovery-gce"] See <>. [role="exclude",id="modules-discovery-zen"] Zen discovery is replaced by the <>. [role="exclude",id="settings-xpack"] === {xpack} settings in {es} include::{asciidoc-dir}/../../shared/settings.asciidoc[] [role="exclude",id="_faster_phrase_queries_with_literal_index_phrases_literal"] See <>. [role="exclude",id="_faster_prefix_queries_with_literal_index_prefixes_literal.html"] See <>. [role="exclude",id="xpack-api"] === X-Pack APIs {es} {xpack} APIs are now documented in <>. [role="exclude",id="ml-calendar-resource"]] === Calendar resources See <> and {stack-ov}/ml-calendars.html[Calendars and scheduled events]. [role="exclude",id="ml-filter-resource"] === Filter resources See <> and {stack-ov}/ml-rules.html[Machine learning custom rules]. [role="exclude",id="ml-event-resource"] === Scheduled event resources See <> and {stack-ov}/ml-calendars.html[Calendars and scheduled events]. [role="exclude",id="index-apis"] === Index APIs {es} index APIs are now documented in <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-docvalue-fields"] === Doc value fields parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-explain"] === Explain parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-collapse"] === Collapse parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-from-size"] === From and size parameters for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-highlighting"] === Highlight parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-index-boost"] === Index boost parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-inner-hits"] === Inner hits parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-min-score"] === Minimum score parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-named-queries-and-filters"] === Named query parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-post-filter"] === Post filter parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-preference"] === Preference parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-query"] === Query parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-rescore"] === Rescoring parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-script-fields"] === Script fields parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-scroll"] === Scroll parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-search-after"] === Search after parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-search-type"] === Search type parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-seq-no-primary-term"] === Sequence numbers and primary terms parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-sort"] === Sort parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-source-filtering"] === Source filtering parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-stored-fields"] === Stored fields parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-track-total-hits"] === Track total hits parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-request-version"] === Version parameter for request body search API See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-suggesters-term"] === Term suggester See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-suggesters-phrase"] === Phrase suggester See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-suggesters-completion"] === Completion suggester See <>. [role="exclude",id="suggester-context"] === Context suggester See <>. [role="exclude",id="returning-suggesters-type"] === Return suggester type See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-profile-queries"] === Profiling queries See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-profile-aggregations"] === Profiling aggregations See <>. [role="exclude",id="search-profile-considerations"] === Profiling considerations See <>. [role="exclude",id="_explain_analyze"] === Explain analyze API See <>. [role="exclude",id="indices-synced-flush"] === Synced flush API See <>. [role="exclude",id="_repositories"] === Snapshot repositories See <>. [role="exclude",id="_snapshot"] === Snapshot See <>. [role="exclude",id="getting-started-explore"] === Exploring your cluster See <>. [role="exclude",id="getting-started-cluster-health"] === Cluster health See <>. [role="exclude", id="getting-started-list-indices"] === List all indices See <>. [role="exclude", id="getting-started-create-index"] === Create an index See <>. [role="exclude", id="getting-started-query-document"] === Index and query a document See <>. [role="exclude", id="getting-started-delete-index"] === Delete an index See <>. [role="exclude", id="getting-started-modify-data"] == Modifying your data See <>. [role="exclude", id="indexing-replacing-documents"] === Indexing/replacing documents See <>. [role="exclude", id="getting-started-explore-data"] === Exploring your data See <>. [role="exclude", id="getting-started-search-API"] === Search API See <>. [role="exclude", id="getting-started-conclusion"] === Conclusion See <>. [role="exclude",id="ccs-reduction"] === {ccs-cap} reduction See <>. [role="exclude",id="administer-elasticsearch"] === Administering {es} See <>. [role="exclude",id="slm-api"] === Snapshot lifecycle management API See <>. [role="exclude",id="delete-data-frame-transform"] === Delete {transforms} API See <>. [role="exclude",id="get-data-frame-transform-stats"] === Get {transform} statistics API See <>. [role="exclude",id="get-data-frame-transform"] === Get {transforms} API See <>. [role="exclude",id="preview-data-frame-transform"] === Preview {transforms} API See <>. [role="exclude",id="put-data-frame-transform"] === Create {transforms} API See <>. [role="exclude",id="start-data-frame-transform"] === Start {transforms} API See <>. [role="exclude",id="stop-data-frame-transform"] === Stop {transforms} API See <>. [role="exclude",id="update-data-frame-transform"] === Update {transforms} API See <>. [role="exclude",id="data-frame-apis"] === {transform-cap} APIs See <>. [role="exclude",id="data-frame-transform-resource"] === {transform-cap} resources See <>. [role="exclude",id="data-frame-transform-dest"] === Dest objects See <>. [role="exclude",id="data-frame-transform-source"] ==== Source objects See <>. [role="exclude",id="data-frame-transform-pivot"] ==== Pivot objects See <>. [role="exclude",id="configuring-monitoring"] === Configuring monitoring See <>. [role="exclude",id="es-monitoring"] === Monitoring {es} See <>. [role="exclude",id="docker-cli-run"] See <>. [role="exclude",id="analysis-compound-word-tokenfilter"] === Compound word token filters See <> and <>. [role="exclude",id="configuring-native-realm"] === Configuring a native realm See <>. [role="exclude",id="native-settings"] ==== Native realm settings See <>. [role="exclude",id="configuring-saml-realm"] === Configuring a SAML realm See <>. [role="exclude",id="saml-settings"] ==== SAML realm settings See <>. [role="exclude",id="_saml_realm_signing_settings"] ==== SAML realm signing settings See <>. [role="exclude",id="_saml_realm_encryption_settings"] ==== SAML realm encryption settings See <>. [role="exclude",id="_saml_realm_ssl_settings"] ==== SAML realm SSL settings See <>. [role="exclude",id="configuring-file-realm"] === Configuring a file realm See <>. [role="exclude",id="ldap-user-search"] === User search mode and user DN templates mode See <>. [role="exclude",id="configuring-ldap-realm"] === Configuring an LDAP realm See <>. [role="exclude",id="ldap-settings"] === LDAP realm settings See <>. [role="exclude",id="ldap-ssl"] === Setting up SSL between Elasticsearch and LDAP See <>. [role="exclude",id="configuring-kerberos-realm"] === Configuring a Kerberos realm See <>. [role="exclude",id="beats"] === Beats and Security See: * {auditbeat-ref}/securing-beats.html[{auditbeat}] * {filebeat-ref}/securing-beats.html[{filebeat}] * {heartbeat-ref}/securing-beats.html[{heartbeat}] * {metricbeat-ref}/securing-beats.html[{metricbeat}] * {packetbeat-ref}/securing-beats.html[{packetbeat}] * {winlogbeat-ref}/securing-beats.html[{winlogbeat}] [role="exclude",id="configuring-pki-realm"] === Configuring a PKI realm See <>. [role="exclude",id="pki-settings"] ==== PKI realm settings See <>. [role="exclude",id="configuring-ad-realm"] === Configuring an Active Directory realm See <>. [role="exclude",id="ad-settings"] === Active Directory realm settings See <>. [role="exclude",id="mapping-roles-ad"] === Mapping Active Directory users and groups to roles See <>. [role="exclude",id="how-security-works"] === How security works See <>. [role="exclude",id="rollup-job-config"] === Rollup job configuration See <>.