=== Add {anomaly-jobs} to calendar API
Add jobs to calendar
Adds an {anomaly-job} to a calendar.
==== {api-request-title}
`PUT _ml/calendars//jobs/`
==== {api-prereq-title}
* If the {es} {security-features} are enabled, you must have `manage_ml` or
`manage` cluster privileges to use this API. See
{stack-ov}/security-privileges.html[Security privileges].
==== {api-path-parms-title}
(Required, string) Identifier for the calendar.
(Required, string) An identifier for the {anomaly-jobs}. It can be a job
identifier, a group name, or a comma-separated list of jobs or groups.
==== {api-examples-title}
PUT _ml/calendars/planned-outages/jobs/total-requests
// TEST[skip:setup:calendar_outages_openjob]
The API returns the following results:
"calendar_id": "planned-outages",
"job_ids": [