==== Geo Bounds Aggregation

Here is how you can use
{ref}/search-aggregations-metrics-geobounds-aggregation.html[Geo Bounds Aggregation]
with Java API.

===== Prepare aggregation request

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:

GeoBoundsAggregationBuilder aggregation =

===== Use aggregation response

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.geobounds.GeoBounds;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object
GeoBounds agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");
GeoPoint bottomRight = agg.bottomRight();
GeoPoint topLeft = agg.topLeft();
logger.info("bottomRight {}, topLeft {}", bottomRight, topLeft);

This will basically produce:

bottomRight [40.70500764381921, 13.952946866893775], topLeft [53.49603022435221, -4.190029308156676]