[[scripting]] == Scripting Plugins Scripting plugins extend the scripting functionality in Elasticsearch to allow the use of other scripting languages. [float] === Core scripting plugins The core scripting plugins are: <<lang-javascript,JavaScript Language>>:: The JavaScript language plugin enables the use of JavaScript in Elasticsearch scripts, via Mozilla's https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/Rhino[Rhino JavaScript] engine. <<lang-python,Python Language>>:: The Python language plugin enables the use of Python in Elasticsearch scripts, via the http://www.jython.org/[Jython] Java implementation of Python. [float] === Abandoned community scripting plugins This plugin has been contributed by our community, but appears to be abandoned: * https://github.com/hiredman/elasticsearch-lang-clojure[Clojure Language Plugin] (by Kevin Downey) include::lang-javascript.asciidoc[] include::lang-python.asciidoc[]