:api: delete-job 
:request: DeleteJobRequest
:response: AcknowledgedResponse
=== Delete {anomaly-job} API

Deletes an {anomaly-job} that exists in the cluster.

==== Delete {anomaly-job} request

A +{request}+ object requires a non-null `jobId` and can optionally set `force`.

<1> Constructing a new request referencing an existing `jobId`

==== Optional arguments

The following arguments are optional:

<1> Use to forcefully delete an opened job. This method is quicker than closing
and deleting the job. Defaults to `false`.

<1> Use to set whether the request should wait until the operation has completed
before returning. Defaults to `true`.

==== Delete {anomaly-job} response

The returned +{response}+ object indicates the acknowledgement of the job
deletion or the deletion task depending on whether the request was set to wait
for completion:

<1> Whether job deletion was acknowledged or not. It will be `null` when set
to not wait for completion.
<2> The ID of the job deletion task. It will be `null` when set to wait for
