[[term-level-queries]] == Term level queries While the <> will analyze the query string before executing, the _term-level queries_ operate on the exact terms that are stored in the inverted index, and will normalize terms before executing only for <> fields with <> property. These queries are usually used for structured data like numbers, dates, and enums, rather than full text fields. Alternatively, they allow you to craft low-level queries, foregoing the analysis process. The queries in this group are: <>:: Find documents which contain the exact term specified in the field specified. <>:: Find documents which contain any of the exact terms specified in the field specified. <>:: Find documents which match with one or more of the specified terms. The number of terms that must match depend on the specified minimum should match field or script. <>:: Find documents where the field specified contains values (dates, numbers, or strings) in the range specified. <>:: Find documents where the field specified contains any non-null value. <>:: Find documents where the field specified contains terms which begin with the exact prefix specified. <>:: Find documents where the field specified contains terms which match the pattern specified, where the pattern supports single character wildcards (`?`) and multi-character wildcards (`*`) <>:: Find documents where the field specified contains terms which match the <> specified. <>:: Find documents where the field specified contains terms which are fuzzily similar to the specified term. Fuzziness is measured as a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damerau%E2%80%93Levenshtein_distance[Levenshtein edit distance] of 1 or 2. <>:: Find documents of the specified type. <>:: Find documents with the specified type and IDs. include::term-query.asciidoc[] include::terms-query.asciidoc[] include::terms-set-query.asciidoc[] include::range-query.asciidoc[] include::exists-query.asciidoc[] include::prefix-query.asciidoc[] include::wildcard-query.asciidoc[] include::regexp-query.asciidoc[] include::fuzzy-query.asciidoc[] include::type-query.asciidoc[] include::ids-query.asciidoc[]