--- "Missing metadata": - do: index: index: test_1 type: test id: 1 body: { foo: bar } - do: cluster.health: wait_for_status: yellow - do: catch: /ActionRequestValidationException.+ id is missing/ mget: body: docs: - { _index: test_1, _type: test} - do: catch: /ActionRequestValidationException.+ index is missing/ mget: body: docs: - { _type: test, _id: 1} - do: catch: /ActionRequestValidationException.+ no documents to get/ mget: body: docs: [] - do: catch: /ActionRequestValidationException.+ no documents to get/ mget: body: {} - do: mget: body: docs: - { _index: test_1, _id: 1} - is_true: docs.0.exists - match: { docs.0._index: test_1 } - match: { docs.0._type: test } - match: { docs.0._id: 1 } - match: { docs.0._version: 1 } - match: { docs.0._source: { foo: bar }}