==== Extended Stats Aggregation

Here is how you can use
{ref}/search-aggregations-metrics-extendedstats-aggregation.html[Extended Stats Aggregation]
with Java API.

===== Prepare aggregation request

Here is an example on how to create the aggregation request:

ExtendedStatsAggregationBuilder aggregation =

===== Use aggregation response

Import Aggregation definition classes:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.stats.extended.ExtendedStats;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object
ExtendedStats agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");
double min = agg.getMin();
double max = agg.getMax();
double avg = agg.getAvg();
double sum = agg.getSum();
long count = agg.getCount();
double stdDeviation = agg.getStdDeviation();
double sumOfSquares = agg.getSumOfSquares();
double variance = agg.getVariance();