[[modules-network]] == Network Settings There are several modules within a Node that use network based configuration, for example, the <> and <> modules. Node level network settings allows to set common settings that will be shared among all network based modules (unless explicitly overridden in each module). The `network.bind_host` setting allows to control the host different network components will bind on. By default, the bind host will be `anyLocalAddress` (typically `` or `::0`). The `network.publish_host` setting allows to control the host the node will publish itself within the cluster so other nodes will be able to connect to it. Of course, this can't be the `anyLocalAddress`, and by default, it will be the first non loopback address (if possible), or the local address. The `network.host` setting is a simple setting to automatically set both `network.bind_host` and `network.publish_host` to the same host value. Both settings allows to be configured with either explicit host address or host name. The settings also accept logical setting values explained in the following table: [cols="<,<",options="header",] |======================================================================= |Logical Host Setting Value |Description |`_local_` |Will be resolved to the local ip address. |`_non_loopback_` |The first non loopback address. |`_non_loopback:ipv4_` |The first non loopback IPv4 address. |`_non_loopback:ipv6_` |The first non loopback IPv6 address. |`_[networkInterface]_` |Resolves to the ip address of the provided network interface. For example `_en0_`. |`_[networkInterface]:ipv4_` |Resolves to the ipv4 address of the provided network interface. For example `_en0:ipv4_`. |`_[networkInterface]:ipv6_` |Resolves to the ipv6 address of the provided network interface. For example `_en0:ipv6_`. |======================================================================= When the `cloud-aws` plugin is installed, the following are also allowed as valid network host settings: [cols="<,<",options="header",] |================================================================== |EC2 Host Value |Description |`_ec2:privateIpv4_` |The private IP address (ipv4) of the machine. |`_ec2:privateDns_` |The private host of the machine. |`_ec2:publicIpv4_` |The public IP address (ipv4) of the machine. |`_ec2:publicDns_` |The public host of the machine. |`_ec2_` |Less verbose option for the private ip address. |`_ec2:privateIp_` |Less verbose option for the private ip address. |`_ec2:publicIp_` |Less verbose option for the public ip address. |================================================================== [float] === TCP Settings Any component that uses TCP (like the HTTP, Transport and Memcached) share the following allowed settings: [cols="<,<",options="header",] |======================================================================= |Setting |Description |`network.tcp.no_delay` |Enable or disable tcp no delay setting. Defaults to `true`. |`network.tcp.keep_alive` |Enable or disable tcp keep alive. By default not explicitly set. |`network.tcp.reuse_address` |Should an address be reused or not. Defaults to `true` on none windows machines. |`network.tcp.send_buffer_size` |The size of the tcp send buffer size (in size setting format). By default not explicitly set. |`network.tcp.receive_buffer_size` |The size of the tcp receive buffer size (in size setting format). By default not explicitly set. |=======================================================================