[[cat-indices]] == Indices The `indices` command provides a cross-section of each index. This information *spans nodes*. [source,shell] -------------------------------------------------- % curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices/twi*?v' health index pri rep docs docs/del size/pri size/total green twitter 2 0 627 7 2mb 2mb green twitter2 2 0 628 0 2.5mb 2.5mb -------------------------------------------------- We can tell quickly how many shards make up an index, the number of docs, deleted docs, primary store size, and total store size (all shards including replicas). [float] [[examples]] === Examples Which indices are yellow? [source,shell] -------------------------------------------------- % curl localhost:9200/_cat/indices | grep ^yell yellow foo 5 1 4 0 17kb 17kb -------------------------------------------------- What's my largest index by disk usage not including replicas? [source,shell] -------------------------------------------------- % curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?bytes=b' | sort -rnk7 green twitter 2 0 627 7 2123797 2123797 green wiki 2 0 59 0 575904 575904 yellow foo 5 1 4 0 17447 17447 --------------------------------------------------