import org.elasticsearch.gradle.BuildPlugin import org.elasticsearch.gradle.LoggedExec import org.elasticsearch.gradle.VersionProperties import import org.elasticsearch.gradle.testfixtures.TestFixturesPlugin apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.standalone-rest-test' apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.test.fixtures' testFixtures.useFixture() configurations { dockerPlugins dockerSource ossDockerSource restSpec } dependencies { dockerSource project(path: ":distribution:archives:linux-tar") ossDockerSource project(path: ":distribution:archives:oss-linux-tar") restSpec project(':rest-api-spec') } ext.expansions = { oss, ubi, local -> final String classifier = 'linux-x86_64' final String elasticsearch = oss ? "elasticsearch-oss-${VersionProperties.elasticsearch}-${classifier}.tar.gz" : "elasticsearch-${VersionProperties.elasticsearch}-${classifier}.tar.gz" return [ 'base_image' : ubi ? '' : 'centos:7', 'build_date' : BuildParams.buildDate, 'elasticsearch' : elasticsearch, 'git_revision' : BuildParams.gitRevision, 'license' : oss ? 'Apache-2.0' : 'Elastic-License', 'package_manager' : ubi ? 'microdnf' : 'yum', 'source_elasticsearch': local ? "COPY $elasticsearch /opt/" : "RUN cd /opt && curl --retry 8 -s -L -O${elasticsearch} && cd -", 'version' : VersionProperties.elasticsearch ] } private static String buildPath(final boolean oss, final boolean ubi) { return "build/${oss ? 'oss-' : ''}${ubi ? 'ubi-' : ''}docker" } private static String taskName(final String prefix, final boolean oss, final boolean ubi, final String suffix) { return "${prefix}${oss ? 'Oss' : ''}${ubi ? 'Ubi' : ''}${suffix}" } project.ext { dockerBuildContext = { boolean oss, boolean ubi, boolean local -> copySpec { into('bin') { from project.projectDir.toPath().resolve("src/docker/bin") } into('config') { /* * Oss and default distribution can have different configuration, therefore we want to allow overriding the default configuration * by creating config files in oss or default build-context sub-modules. */ from project.projectDir.toPath().resolve("src/docker/config") if (oss) { from project.projectDir.toPath().resolve("src/docker/config/oss") } } from(project.projectDir.toPath().resolve("src/docker/Dockerfile")) { expand(expansions(oss, ubi, local)) } } } } void addCopyDockerContextTask(final boolean oss, final boolean ubi) { task(taskName("copy", oss, ubi, "DockerContext"), type: Sync) { expansions(oss, ubi, true).each { k, v ->, { v.toString() }) } into buildPath(oss, ubi) with dockerBuildContext(oss, ubi, true) if (oss) { from configurations.ossDockerSource } else { from configurations.dockerSource } from configurations.dockerPlugins } } def createAndSetWritable(Object... locations) { locations.each { location -> File file = file(location) file.mkdirs() file.setWritable(true, false) } } task copyKeystore(type: Sync) { from project(':x-pack:plugin:core') .file('src/test/resources/org/elasticsearch/xpack/security/transport/ssl/certs/simple/testnode.jks') into "${buildDir}/certs" doLast { file("${buildDir}/certs").setReadable(true, false) file("${buildDir}/certs/testnode.jks").setReadable(true, false) } } preProcessFixture { if (TestFixturesPlugin.dockerComposeSupported()) { dependsOn assemble } dependsOn copyKeystore doLast { // tests expect to have an empty repo project.delete( "${buildDir}/repo", "${buildDir}/oss-repo" ) createAndSetWritable( "${buildDir}/repo", "${buildDir}/oss-repo", "${buildDir}/logs/default-1", "${buildDir}/logs/default-2", "${buildDir}/logs/oss-1", "${buildDir}/logs/oss-2" ) } } processTestResources { from({ zipTree(configurations.restSpec.singleFile) }) { include 'rest-api-spec/api/**' } from project(':x-pack:plugin:core') .file('src/test/resources/org/elasticsearch/xpack/security/transport/ssl/certs/simple/testnode.jks') dependsOn configurations.restSpec } task integTest(type: Test) { maxParallelForks = '1' include '**/*IT.class' // don't add the tasks to build the docker images if we have no way of testing them if (TestFixturesPlugin.dockerComposeSupported()) { dependsOn assemble } } check.dependsOn integTest void addBuildDockerImage(final boolean oss, final boolean ubi) { final Task buildDockerImageTask = task(taskName("build", oss, ubi, "DockerImage"), type: LoggedExec) { dependsOn taskName("copy", oss, ubi, "DockerContext") List tags if (oss) { tags = [ "${ubi ? '-ubi7' : ''}:${VersionProperties.elasticsearch}", "elasticsearch-oss${ubi ? '-ubi7' : ''}:test" ] } else { tags = [ "elasticsearch${ubi ? '-ubi7' : ''}:${VersionProperties.elasticsearch}", "${ubi ? '-ubi7' : ''}:${VersionProperties.elasticsearch}", "${ubi ? '-ubi7' : ''}-full:${VersionProperties.elasticsearch}", "elasticsearch${ubi ? '-ubi7' : ''}:test", ] } executable 'docker' final List dockerArgs = ['build', buildPath(oss, ubi), '--pull', '--no-cache'] for (final String tag : tags) { dockerArgs.add('--tag') dockerArgs.add(tag) } args dockerArgs.toArray() } assemble.dependsOn(buildDockerImageTask) BuildPlugin.requireDocker(buildDockerImageTask) } for (final boolean oss : [false, true]) { for (final boolean ubi : [false, true]) { addCopyDockerContextTask(oss, ubi) addBuildDockerImage(oss, ubi) } } // We build the images used in compose locally, but the pull command insists on using a repository // thus we must disable it to prevent it from doing so. // Everything will still be pulled since we will build the local images on a pull if (tasks.findByName("composePull")) { tasks.composePull.enabled = false } /* * The export subprojects write out the generated Docker images to disk, so * that they can be easily reloaded, for example into a VM. */ subprojects { Project subProject -> if ('docker-export')) { apply plugin: 'distribution' final boolean oss ='oss-') final boolean ubi ='ubi-') def exportTaskName = taskName("export", oss, ubi, "DockerImage") def buildTaskName = taskName("build", oss, ubi, "DockerImage") def tarFile = "${parent.projectDir}/build/elasticsearch${oss ? '-oss' : ''}${ubi ? '-ubi7' : ''}_test.${VersionProperties.elasticsearch}.docker.tar" final Task exportDockerImageTask = task(exportTaskName, type: LoggedExec) { executable 'docker' args "save", "-o", tarFile, "elasticsearch${oss ? '-oss' : ''}${ubi ? '-ubi7' : ''}:test" } exportDockerImageTask.dependsOn(parent.tasks.getByName(buildTaskName)) artifacts.add('default', file(tarFile)) { type 'tar' name "elasticsearch${oss ? '-oss' : ''}${ubi ? '-ubi7' : ''}" builtBy exportTaskName } assemble.dependsOn exportTaskName } }