=== JSON processor

Converts a JSON string into a structured JSON object.

.Json Options
| Name           | Required  | Default  | Description
| `field`        | yes       | -        | The field to be parsed.
| `target_field` | no        | `field`  | The field that the converted structured object will be written into. Any existing content in this field will be overwritten.
| `add_to_root`  | no        | false    | Flag that forces the serialized json to be injected into the top level of the document. `target_field` must not be set when this option is chosen.

All JSON-supported types will be parsed (null, boolean, number, array, object, string).

Suppose you provide this configuration of the `json` processor:

  "json" : {
    "field" : "string_source",
    "target_field" : "json_target"

If the following document is processed:

  "string_source": "{\"foo\": 2000}"

after the `json` processor operates on it, it will look like:

  "string_source": "{\"foo\": 2000}",
  "json_target": {
    "foo": 2000

If the following configuration is provided, omitting the optional `target_field` setting:
  "json" : {
    "field" : "source_and_target"

then after the `json` processor operates on this document:

  "source_and_target": "{\"foo\": 2000}"

it will look like:

  "source_and_target": {
    "foo": 2000

This illustrates that, unless it is explicitly named in the processor configuration, the `target_field`
is the same field provided in the required `field` configuration.