== Plugin Management

The `plugin` script is used to install, list, and remove plugins. It is
located in the `$ES_HOME/bin` directory by default but it may be in a
different location depending on which Elasticsearch package you installed:

* {ref}/zip-targz.html#zip-targz-layout[Directory layout of `.zip` and `.tar.gz` archives]
* {ref}/deb.html#deb-layout[Directory layout of Debian package]
* {ref}/rpm.html#rpm-layout[Directory layout of RPM]

Run the following command to get usage instructions:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin -h

.Running as root
If Elasticsearch was installed using the deb or rpm package then run
`/usr/share/elasticsearch-plugin` as `root` so it can write to the appropriate files on disk.
Otherwise run `bin/elasticsearch-plugin` as the user that owns all of the Elasticsearch

=== Installing Plugins

The documentation for each plugin usually includes specific installation
instructions for that plugin, but below we document the various available

=== Core Elasticsearch plugins

Core Elasticsearch plugins can be installed as follows:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install [plugin_name]

For instance, to install the core <<analysis-icu,ICU plugin>>, just run the
following command:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-icu

This command will install the version of the plugin that matches your
Elasticsearch version and also show a progress bar while downloading.

=== Custom URL or file system

A plugin can also be downloaded directly from a custom location by specifying the URL:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install [url] <1>
<1> must be a valid URL, the plugin name is determined from its descriptor.

For instance, to install a plugin from your local file system, you could run:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install file:///path/to/plugin.zip

The plugin script will refuse to talk to an HTTPS URL with an untrusted
certificate. To use a self-signed HTTPS cert, you will need to add the CA cert
to a local Java truststore and pass the location to the script as follows:

sudo ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/path/to/trustStore.jks" bin/elasticsearch-plugin install https://....

=== Listing and Removing Installed Plugins

=== Listing plugins

A list of the currently loaded plugins can be retrieved with the `list` option:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin list

Alternatively, use the {ref}/cluster-nodes-info.html[node-info API] to find
out which plugins are installed on each node in the cluster

=== Removing plugins

Plugins can be removed manually, by deleting the appropriate directory under
`plugins/`, or using the public script:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove [pluginname]

After a Java plugin has been removed, you will need to restart the node to complete the removal process.

=== Other command line parameters

The `plugin` scripts supports a number of other command line parameters:

=== Silent/Verbose mode

The `--verbose` parameter outputs more debug information, while the `--silent`
parameter turns off all output including the progress bar. The script may
return the following exit codes:

`0`:: everything was OK
`64`:: unknown command or incorrect option parameter
`74`:: IO error
`70`:: any other error

=== Batch mode

Certain plugins require more privileges than those provided by default in core
Elasticsearch. These plugins will list the required privileges and ask the
user for confirmation before continuing with installation.

When running the plugin install script from another program (e.g. install
automation scripts), the plugin script should detect that it is not being
called from the console and skip the confirmation response, automatically
granting all requested permissions.  If console detection fails, then batch
mode can be forced by specifying `-b` or `--batch` as follows:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install --batch [pluginname]

=== Custom config directory

If your `elasticsearch.yml` config file is in a custom location, you will need
to specify the path to the config file when using the `plugin` script.  You
can do this as follows:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin -Epath.conf=/path/to/custom/config/dir install <plugin name>

You can also set the `CONF_DIR` environment variable to the custom config
directory path.

=== Proxy settings

To install a plugin via a proxy, you can add the proxy details to the
`ES_JAVA_OPTS` environment variable with the Java settings `http.proxyHost`
and `http.proxyPort` (or `https.proxyHost` and `https.proxyPort`):

sudo ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=host_name -Dhttp.proxyPort=port_number -Dhttps.proxyHost=host_name -Dhttps.proxyPort=https_port_number" bin/elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-icu

Or on Windows:

set ES_JAVA_OPTS="-DproxyHost=host_name -DproxyPort=port_number -Dhttps.proxyHost=host_name -Dhttps.proxyPort=https_port_number"
bin/elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-icu

=== Plugins directory

The default location of the `plugins` directory depends on which package you install:

* {ref}/zip-targz.html#zip-targz-layout[Directory layout of `.zip` and `.tar.gz` archives]
* {ref}/deb.html#deb-layout[Directory layout of Debian package]
* {ref}/rpm.html#rpm-layout[Directory layout of RPM]

=== Mandatory Plugins

If you rely on some plugins, you can define mandatory plugins by adding
`plugin.mandatory` setting to the `config/elasticsearch.yml` file, for

plugin.mandatory: analysis-icu,lang-js

For safety reasons, a node will not start if it is missing a mandatory plugin.